subject area of
- A strategy for quantifying microplastic particles in membrane filtration processes using flow cytometry. Journal Articles
- Characterizing the Microplastic Content of Biosolids in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
- Interactive effects of nanoplastics, multi-contaminants, and environmental conditions on prairie aquatic ecosystems: A factorial composite toxicity analysis within a Canadian context. Journal Articles
- Maternal exposure to polyethylene micro- and nanoplastics impairs umbilical blood flow but not fetal growth in pregnant mice Journal Articles
- Maternal exposure to polystyrene microplastics alters placental metabolism in mice Journal Articles
- Maternal exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics alters fetal brain metabolism in mice Journal Articles
- Microparticles in Wild and Caged Biota, Sediments, and Water Relative to Large Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges Journal Articles
- Polystyrene micro- and nanoplastics cause placental dysfunction in mice Journal Articles
- Prolonged drying impedes the detachment of microplastics in unsaturated substrate: Role of flow regimes Journal Articles
- Quantifying Effects and Ingestion of Several Pristine Microplastics in Two Early Life Stages of Freshwater Mussels Journal Articles
- Relevance of gut microbiome research in food safety assessment Journal Articles
- Rethinking the effects of micro/nanoplastics from the global environmental change and systematic perspective: An aquatic environmental system-based comprehensive assessment approach of micro/nanoplastic impacts Journal Articles
- Spatial patterns of microplastics in freshwater bivalves (Bivalvia: Unionidae and Sphaeriidae) relative to municipal wastewater discharges. Journal Articles
- Terrestrial Isopods Generate Microplastics from Low‐Density Polyethylene Without Effects on Survival Journal Articles
- Toxicity and mechanism of nanoplastics to phytoplankton in high-latitude aquatic ecosystems of Canadian prairie: Effects of multiple environmental factors Journal Articles
- Unveiling the Vertical Migration of Microplastics with Suspended Particulate Matter in the Estuarine Environment: Roles of Salinity, Particle Properties, and Hydrodynamics Journal Articles