subject area of
- Cochrane in CORR ®: Surgery for Rotator Cuff Disease (Review) Journal Articles
- Determination of future prevention strategies in elite track and field: analysis of Daegu 2011 IAAF Championships injuries and illnesses surveillance Journal Articles
- Does an Increased Critical Shoulder Angle Affect Re-tear Rates and Clinical Outcomes Following Primary Rotator Cuff Repair? A Systematic Review Journal Articles
- Ecological association between operative vaginal delivery and obstetric and birth trauma Journal Articles
- Hip Arthroscopy: Prevalence of Intra-articular Pathologic Findings After Traumatic Injury of the Hip Journal Articles
- Iatrogenic globe penetration in a case of infraorbital nerve block Journal Articles
- Maternal and neonatal trauma following operative vaginal delivery Journal Articles
- Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries: A Survey of Clinical Practice Among Canadian Obstetricians Journal Articles
- Occurrence of injuries and illnesses during the 2009 IAAF World Athletics Championships Journal Articles
- Temporal trends in severe maternal and neonatal trauma during childbirth: a population-based observational study Journal Articles
- The role of telementoring and telerobotic assistance in the provision of laparoscopic colorectal surgery in rural areas Journal Articles
- Traumatic tiger attack Journal Articles
- Treatment of Parotid Sialocele after Sustaining a Facial Injury. Case Report and Literature Review. Journal Articles