subject area of
- A Population-Based Study of the Effects of a Regional Guideline for Completion Axillary Lymph Node Dissection on Axillary Surgery in Patients with Breast Cancer Journal Articles
- A multicentre controlled pre–post trial of an implementation science intervention to improve venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in critically ill patients Journal Articles
- A population-based analysis of incentive payments to primary care physicians for the care of patients with complex disease Journal Articles
- Ambulance Services Attendance for Mental Health and Overdose Before and During COVID-19 in Canada and the United Kingdom: Interrupted Time Series Study Journal Articles
- An improved method for analysis of interrupted time series (ITS) data: accounting for patient heterogeneity using weighted analysis Journal Articles
- Changes in mammography screening in Ontario and Alberta following national guideline dissemination: an interrupted time series analysis Journal Articles
- Effect of a population-level performance dashboard intervention on maternal-newborn outcomes: an interrupted time series study Journal Articles
- Effects of hospital funding reform on wait times for hip fracture surgery: a population-based interrupted time-series analysis Journal Articles
- Effects of quality-based procedure hospital funding reform in Ontario, Canada: An interrupted time series study Journal Articles
- Evaluating a community-based exercise intervention with adults living with HIV: protocol for an interrupted time series study Journal Articles
- Evaluating compliance of extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis following abdominopelvic surgery for cancer: A multidisciplinary quality improvement project Journal Articles
- Excess years of life lost to COVID-19 and other causes of death by sex, neighbourhood deprivation, and region in England and Wales during 2020: A registry-based study Journal Articles
- Federal opioid agonist therapy policy: interrupted time series analysis of the impact of the methadone exemption removal across eight provinces in Canada Journal Articles
- Impact of pay-for-performance on hospital readmissions in Lebanon: an ARIMA-based intervention analysis using routine data. Journal Articles
- Impact of provincial and national implementation strategies on P2Y12 inhibitor utilization for acute coronary syndrome in the elderly: an interrupted time series analysis from 2008 to 2018 Journal Articles
- Impact of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on global cigarette consumption: quasi-experimental evaluations using interrupted time series analysis and in-sample forecast event modelling Journal Articles
- Improving body functions through participation in community activities among young people with physical disabilities Journal Articles
- Improving the participation of youth with physical disabilities in community activities: An interrupted time series design Journal Articles
- Influence of drug safety advisories on drug utilisation: an international interrupted time series and meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Interrupted Time Series Design: A Useful Approach for Studying Interventions Targeting Participation Journal Articles
- Management Strategies and Patient Selection After a Hospital Funding Reform for Prostate Cancer Surgery in Canada Journal Articles
- Mandatory labeling requirements and over-the-counter cough and cold medication use in early childhood Journal Articles
- Methods, applications, interpretations and challenges of interrupted time series (ITS) data: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
- Off-label postpartum use of domperidone in Canada: a multidatabase cohort study Journal Articles
- Preventing Unintentional Injuries in School-Aged Children: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
- The Electronic Asthma Management System (eAMS) improves primary care asthma management Journal Articles
- The Negative Impact of the New Coronavirus Pandemic on the Trend of Breast Biopsies and Their Direct Costs: Interrupted Time Series Analysis Journal Articles
- The associations of supervised consumption services with the rates of opioid‐related mortality and morbidity outcomes at the public health unit level in Ontario (Canada): A controlled interrupted time‐series analysis Journal Articles
- The effect of a new maternity unit on maternal outcomes in rural Haiti: an interrupted time series study Journal Articles
- The effect of the Ontario stay-at-home order on Covid-19 third wave infections including vaccination considerations: An interrupted time series analysis Journal Articles
- The impact of pedestrian countdown signals on single and two vehicle motor vehicle collisions: a quasi-experimental study Journal Articles
- The impact of routine HIV drug resistance testing in Ontario: A controlled interrupted time series study Journal Articles
- The impact of the early COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare system resource use and costs in two provinces in Canada: An interrupted time series analysis Journal Articles
- The risk of infective endocarditis among people who inject drugs: a retrospective, population-based time series analysis Journal Articles
- The trend and direct costs of screening and chemotherapy treatment of breast cancer in the new coronavirus pandemic: total and interrupted time series study Journal Articles
- Trends in Postpartum Opioid Prescribing: A Time Series Analysis Journal Articles
- Trends in the Incidence of New-Onset Anorexia Nervosa and Atypical Anorexia Nervosa Among Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada Journal Articles