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An interpolated activity during the knowledge-of-results delay interval eliminates the learning advantages of self-controlled feedback schedules Journal Articles
Anger experience and expression across the anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Are Juvenile Offenders Extreme Future Discounters? Journal Articles
Assessing the continuum between temperament and affective illness: psychiatric and mathematical perspectives Journal Articles
Automatic imitation is automatic, but less so for narcissists Journal Articles
Behaviour change interventions: getting in touch with individual differences, values and emotions Journal Articles
Beyond individualism: professional culture and its influence on feedback Journal Articles
Cognitive control and cortisol response to stress in generalised anxiety disorder: a study of working memory capacity with negative and neutral distractors Journal Articles
Diversity in action: exchange of perspectives and reflections on taxonomies of individual differences Journal Articles
Exploration of the Benefits of an Activity-Specific Test of Temperament Journal Articles
Functionality versus dimensionality in psychological taxonomies, and a puzzle of emotional valence Journal Articles
HELPinKids&Adults Knowledge Synthesis of the Management of Vaccination Pain and High Levels of Needle Fear Journal Articles
Holistic Processing Is Not Correlated With Face-Identification Accuracy Journal Articles
Improvements and important considerations for the 5-choice serial reaction time task—An effective measurement of visual attention in rats Journal Articles
Individual Differences in Mate Poaching: An Examination of Hormonal, Dispositional, and Behavioral Mate-Value Traits Journal Articles
Individual Differences in Response to Antidepressants Journal Articles
Individual and contextual determinants of blood donation frequency with a focus on clinic accessibility: A case study of Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Individual differences in auditory middle latency responses in elderly adults and patients with Alzheimer's disease1A preliminary report of these data was presented at the Tenth International Conference on Event-Related Potentials of the Brain (EPIC X), in Eger, Hungary, June, 1992. This work was supported by the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada (N.A.P.) and grants from the Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation and the Dalhousie University Department of Psychiatry (J.F.C.). The first author was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) Graduate Fellowship.1 Journal Articles
Individual differences in neural markers of beat processing relate to spoken grammar skills in six-year-old children Journal Articles
Individual differences in working memory capacity and visual search while reading Journal Articles
Individual variability in the semantic processing of English compound words. Journal Articles
Individual variability in the structural properties of neurons in the human inferior olive Journal Articles
Individual variation in the production of a `bystander signal' following irradiation of primary cultures of normal human urothelium Journal Articles
Integrating physical and social cues when forming face preferences: Differences among low and high-anxiety individuals Journal Articles
Interrater reliability of the tender point criterion for fibromyalgia. Journal Articles
Interrelationships among individual differences in alcohol demand, impulsivity, and alcohol misuse. Journal Articles
Intra-individual changes in Stroop-related activations linked to cigarette abstinence in adolescent tobacco smokers: Preliminary findings Journal Articles
Intraindividual Variability and the Effect of Acute Illness on Immune Senescence Markers Conferences
Item-based analysis of delayed reward discounting decision making Journal Articles
Language experience shapes relational knowledge of compound words Journal Articles
Large Individual Differences in Functional Connectivity in the Context of Major Depression and Antidepressant Pharmacotherapy Journal Articles
Longitudinal investigation of shyness and physiological vulnerability: Moderating influences of attention biases to threat and safety Journal Articles
Low Self-Esteem in Differentiating Fearful and Self-Conscious Forms of Shyness Journal Articles
Low working memory capacity is only spuriously related to poor reading comprehension Journal Articles
Maternal affect and quality of parenting experiences are related to amygdala response to infant faces Journal Articles
Maternal sensitivity and infant and mother adrenocortical function across challenges Journal Articles
Menstrual cycle, trait estrogen level, and masculinity preferences in the human voice Journal Articles
Microbes and mental health: Can the microbiome help explain clinical heterogeneity in psychiatry? Journal Articles
Microstructural development from 9 to 14 years: Evidence from the ABCD Study Journal Articles
Minimally important difference and predictors of change in quality of life in type 2 diabetes: A community‐based survey in China Journal Articles
Observer Bias: An Interaction of Temperament Traits with Biases in the Semantic Perception of Lexical Material Journal Articles
On estimating processing variance: Commentary and reanalysis of Kail's “developmental functions for speeds of cognitive processes” Journal Articles
Overlap between individual differences in cognition and symptoms of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Phloretin-sensitive lithium transport in erythrocytes of affectively ill patients: Intra-individual reproducibility Journal Articles
Relationship between individual differences in functional connectivity and facial-emotion recognition abilities in adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Responsiveness to testosterone of male gerbils from known intrauterine positions Journal Articles
Revisiting the double-edged sword of self-regulation: Linking shyness, attentional shifting, and social behavior in preschoolers Journal Articles
Self-controlled KR schedules: Does repetition order matter? Journal Articles
Serial Habituation in Two-, Three-, and Four-Month-Old Infants Journal Articles
Shyness, Self-regulation, and Cognitive Problem Solving in Typically Developing 4-year-olds: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Sliding into happiness: A new tool for measuring affective responses to words. Journal Articles
Standing Out in Canada and Japan Journal Articles
Taxonomies of psychological individual differences: biological perspectives on millennia-long challenges Journal Articles
Temperament influences the relationship between symptom severity and adaptive functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
The Duty to Care in a Pandemic Journal Articles
The Effects of Physical Exercise and Cognitive Training on Memory and Neurotrophic Factors Journal Articles
The Individual as a Moderating Agent of the Long-Term Impact of Sexual Abuse Journal Articles
The cerebellum and its role in word generation: A cTBS study Journal Articles
The real-time prediction and inhibition of linguistic outcomes: Effects of language and literacy skill Journal Articles
Trajectories of frontal brain activity and socio‐emotional development in children Journal Articles
Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation may elicit anti- and pro-nociceptive effects under experimentally-induced pain — A crossover placebo-controlled investigation Journal Articles
What is normal cognition in depression? Prevalence and functional correlates of normative versus idiographic cognitive impairment. Journal Articles
When experience meets language statistics: Individual variability in processing English compound words. Journal Articles
p53 protein expression and increased SSCP mobility shifts in the p53 gene in normal urothelium cultured from smokers Journal Articles