subject area of
- A Bayesian Perceptual Model Replicates the Cutaneous Rabbit and Other Tactile Spatiotemporal Illusions Journal Articles
- A mathematical model of embodied consciousness Journal Articles
- Causality and cross-modal integration. Journal Articles
- Central–peripheral differences in audiovisual and visuotactile event perception Journal Articles
- Developmental changes in audiotactile event perception Journal Articles
- Effects of wrist tendon vibration and eye movements on manual aiming Journal Articles
- Exploration of vertical bias in perceptual completion of illusory contours: Threshold measures and response classification Journal Articles
- Eye—Hand Coordination Asymmetries in Manual Aiming Journal Articles
- Facial dominance augments perceived proximity: Evidence from a visual illusion. Journal Articles
- Gunslinger Effect and Müller-Lyer Illusion: Examining Early Visual Information Processing for Late Limb-Target Control Journal Articles
- Mistaking the recent past for the present: False seeing by older adults. Journal Articles
- Motor adaptation and manual transfer: Insight into the persistent nature of sensorimotor representations Journal Articles
- Neural correlates of size illusions: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
- Ocular perturbations and retinal/extraretinal information: the coordination of saccadic and manual movements Journal Articles
- Perceived intensity effects in the octave illusion Journal Articles
- Perception-action and the M�ller-Lyer illusion: amplitude or endpoint bias? Journal Articles
- Perceptual and motor contributions to bimanual coordination Journal Articles
- Pitch-induced illusory percepts of time. Journal Articles
- The Ebbinghaus illusion affects on-line movement control Journal Articles
- The Impact of Real and Illusory Perturbations on the Early Trajectory Adjustments of Goal-Directed Movements Journal Articles
- The Impact of Strategic Trajectory Optimization on Illusory Target Biases During Goal-Directed Aiming Journal Articles
- The M�ller-Lyer illusion affects the planning and control of manual aiming movements Journal Articles
- The effect of response uncertainty on illusory biases of perception and action Journal Articles
- The impact of real and illusory target perturbations on manual aiming Journal Articles
- The type of visual information mediates eye and hand movement bias when aiming to a Müller–Lyer illusion Journal Articles