subject area of
- A Holistic Framework for the Evaluation of Kidney Function in a Gender-Diverse Landscape Journal Articles
- A rehabilitation program for patients with gastroesophageal cancer—a pilot study Journal Articles
- Are Healing Ceremonies Useful for Enhancing Quality of Life? Journal Articles
- Bridging the Divide: Interprofessional Education in Complementary and Alternative Healthcare Journal Articles
- Can a complex adaptive systems perspective support the resiliency of the heart failure patient – informal caregiver dyad? Journal Articles
- Communication Strategies to Promote Spiritual Well-Being among People with Dementia Journal Articles
- Complementary medicine and older people: past research and future directions Journal Articles
- Editorial—Nutrition as supportive care in the cancer experience Journal Articles
- Healthy Spaces in Meaningful Places Journal Articles
- Integration of Chinese medicine into supportive cancer care:A modern role for an ancient tradition Journal Articles
- Our strength for tomorrow: valuing our children - Part 7: Aboriginal children Journal Articles
- Our strength for tomorrow: valuing our children. Part 7: Aboriginal children. Report of the CFPC's Task Force on Child Health. Journal Articles
- Pilot evaluation of a mindfulness-based intervention to improve quality of life among individuals who sustained traumatic brain injuries Journal Articles
- Place visualization: Conventional or unconventional practice? Journal Articles
- Preferences for health states: a review of measurement methods. Journal Articles
- Spiritual dimension of mental health: do we have adequate insight? Journal Articles
- The geography of complementary medicine: perspectives and prospects Journal Articles
- The rural context of health care provision Journal Articles
- Theory to practice: developing a Rogerian‐based assessment tool Journal Articles
- Therapeutic landscapes in holistic medicine Journal Articles
- Unpacking ‘the cloud’: a framework for implementing public health approaches to palliative care Journal Articles
- Using the ICF in transition research and practice? Lessons from a scoping review Journal Articles
- ‘Creating the right therapy vibe’: Relational performances in holistic medicine Journal Articles