subject area of
- A Systematic Review of Surgical Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
- A comparative study of governmental financial support and resilience of self-employed people in Sweden and Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
- An analysis of alternative funding for physicians practicing gynecologic oncology in Ontario, Canada prior to 2001. Journal Articles
- Can academic and clinical journals be in financial conflict of interest situations? The case of evidence‐based incorporated Journal Articles
- Comparison of randomized controlled trials discontinued or revised for poor recruitment and completed trials with the same research question: a matched qualitative study Journal Articles
- Conflicts of Interest Ethics: Silencing Expertise in the Development of International Clinical Practice Guidelines Journal Articles
- Effect of Industry Sponsorship on the Results of Biomedical Research Journal Articles
- Ensuring sustainable antiretroviral provision during economic crises Journal Articles
- Ethno-cultural diversity in the experience of widowhood in later life: Chinese widows in Canada Journal Articles
- Guideline funding and conflicts of interest: article 4 in integrating and coordinating efforts in COPD guideline development. An official ATS/ERS workshop report Journal Articles
- Helping to Build and Rebuild Secure Lives and Futures: Financial Transfers from Parents to Adult Children and Grandchildren Journal Articles
- Invited Perspective: Screening in Academe: A Perspective on Implementation of University-Based Small Molecule Screening Journal Articles
- Poverty Variations among the Elderly: The Roles of Income Security Policies and Family Co-Residence Journal Articles
- Public health journals’ requirements for authors to disclose funding and conflicts of interest: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
- Research on Alzheimer's caregiving in Canada: current status and future directions. Journal Articles
- Riding the wave of primary care research: development of a primary health care research centre. Journal Articles
- The Initial Health Assessment: an intervention to identify the supportive care needs of cancer patients Journal Articles