subject area of
- A System for Laparoscopic Surgery Ergonomics and Skills Evaluation Journal Articles
- A Systematic Review of Workplace Ergonomic Interventions with Economic Analyses Journal Articles
- An economic evaluation of a participatory ergonomics process in an auto parts manufacturer Journal Articles
- Anaesthesia monitor alarms: a theory-driven approach Journal Articles
- Applying epidemiological principles to ergonomics: A checklist for incorporating sound design and interpretation of studies Journal Articles
- Arm strength and impulse generation: Initiation of wheelchair movement by the physically disabled Journal Articles
- Barrier-Free Design: A Review and Critique of the Occupational Therapy Perspective Journal Articles
- Barriers for implementation of successful change to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and how to systematically address them Journal Articles
- Changes in postural risk and general health associated with a participatory ergonomics education program used by heavy video display terminal users: A pilot study Journal Articles
- Comparison Considerations Toward Investigating the Factors of Load and Age Group on the Maximum Reach Envelope Journal Articles
- Comparison of cumulative low back loads of caregivers when transferring patients using overhead and floor mechanical lifting devices Journal Articles
- Confirmatory Factor and Rasch Analyses Support a Revised 14-Item Version of the Organizational, Policies, and Practices (OPP) Scale Journal Articles
- Developing common metrics of mechanical exposures across aetiological studies of low back pain in working populations for use in meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Disability Management Practices in Ontario Health Care Workplaces Journal Articles
- Disability management practices in education, hotel/motel, and health care workplaces Journal Articles
- Economic evaluation of a participatory ergonomics intervention in a textile plant Journal Articles
- Effectiveness of workplace rehabilitation interventions in the treatment of work-related low back pain: A systematic review Journal Articles
- Effects of backrest design on biomechanics and comfort during seated work Journal Articles
- Ergonomics research and the disabled Journal Articles
- Evaluation of a virtual reality head mounted display as a tool for posture assessment in digital human modelling software Journal Articles
- Evidence regarding the benefits of ergonomic interventions is limited and low quality, but there is also no evidence of harms Journal Articles
- Existing Science on Human Factors and Ergonomics in the Design of Ambulances and EMS Equipment Journal Articles
- Exploring the need for and application of human factors and ergonomics in ambulance design: Overcoming the barriers with technical standards Journal Articles
- Factors Affecting Computer Mouse Use for Young Children: Implications for AAC Journal Articles
- How compatible are participatory ergonomics programs with occupational health and safety management systems? Journal Articles
- Joint moment trade-offs across the upper extremity and trunk during repetitive work Journal Articles
- Lay versus expert understandings of workplace risk in the food service industry: a multi-dimensional model with implications for participatory ergonomics. Journal Articles
- Methodological issues in evaluating workplace interventions to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders through mechanical exposure reduction Journal Articles
- Musculoskeletal disorder risk assessment tool use: A Canadian perspective Journal Articles
- Occupational back pain -- an unhelpful polemic Journal Articles
- Posture Evaluation of Firefighters During Simulated Fire Suppression Tasks Journal Articles
- Practice and potential of economic evaluation of workplace-based interventions for occupational health and safety Journal Articles
- Reliability of Distal Upper Extremity Posture Matching Using Slow-Motion and Frame-by-Frame Video Methods Journal Articles
- Saddle seats seem to reduce the ergonomic risk score compared with conventional seats among dental students Journal Articles
- The Effect of Typing Posture on Wrist Extensor Muscle Loading Journal Articles
- The Ergonomic Program Implementation Continuum (EPIC): Integration of health and safety - A process evaluation in the healthcare sector Journal Articles
- The development and validation of equations to predict grip force in the workplace: contributions of muscle activity and posture Journal Articles
- The effectiveness of joint-protection programs on pain, hand function, and grip strength levels in patients with hand arthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
- The prevalence of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury Journal Articles
- User image mismatch in anaesthesia alarms: a cognitive systems analysis Journal Articles
- Work modification as a treatment for low-back pain Journal Articles
- Workplace Organizational Policies and Practices in Ontario Educational Facilities Journal Articles