subject area of
- Adaptive changes in multiple aspects of emotion regulation in the offspring of pregnant persons receiving a diet-and-exercise intervention relative to usual pregnancy care: a randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
- Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resilience With the JoyPop App: Evaluation Study Journal Articles
- An examination of emotion dysregulation in maladaptive perfectionism Journal Articles
- Behavioral and physiological differences during an emotion-evoking task in children at increased likelihood for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
- Changes in infant emotion regulation following maternal cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression Journal Articles
- Clinical and parental predictors of emotion regulation following cognitive behaviour therapy in children with autism Journal Articles
- Dissociative symptomatology mediates the relation between posttraumatic stress disorder severity and alcohol‐related problems Journal Articles
- Dissociative symptoms predict severe illness presentation in Canadian public safety personnel with presumptive post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Journal Articles
- Early Life Trauma, Emotion Dysregulation and Hormonal Sensitivity Across Female Reproductive Life Events. Journal Articles
- Emotion regulation moderates between maternal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and oxytocin response Journal Articles
- Examining the predictive association of irritability with borderline personality disorder in a clinical sample of female adolescents Journal Articles
- Gender differences in cognitive and affective interpersonal emotion regulation in couples: an fNIRS hyperscanning Journal Articles
- Intervening to shape children’s emotion regulation: A review of emotion socialization parenting programs for young children. Journal Articles
- Preliminary findings of emotion regulation in 12‐month‐old infants of mothers enrolled in a randomized controlled trial assessing a nutrition + exercise intervention Journal Articles
- Psychometric properties of the difficulties in emotion regulation Scale in a perinatal sample Journal Articles
- Public health nurse-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression: Assessing the effects of maternal treatment on infant emotion regulation Journal Articles
- Shyness and prosocial tendencies during adolescence: Prospective influence of two types of self-regulation. Journal Articles
- The contributions of emotion regulation difficulties and dissociative symptoms to functional impairment among civilian inpatients with posttraumatic stress symptoms. Journal Articles
- The impact of peer-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression on infant emotion regulation Journal Articles
- The relationship between emotion regulation difficulties and PTSD outcomes during group cognitive processing therapy for PTSD. Journal Articles
- The role of cognitive control and emotion regulation in predicting mental health problems in children with neurodevelopmental disorders Journal Articles
- The role of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in dorsomedial prefrontal–amygdala neural circuitry during positive‐social emotion regulation Journal Articles