subject area of
- Antithrombin-heparin covalent complex reduces microemboli during cardiopulmonary bypass in a pig model Journal Articles
- Cardiovascular collapse in laparoscopy. Journal Articles
- Cerebral Air Embolism after Central Venous Catheter Self-Extraction Journal Articles
- Coronary Artery Air Embolism Complicating a CT-Guided Transthoracic Needle Biopsy of the Lung Journal Articles
- Delayed hyperbaric oxygen therapy for severe arterial gas embolism following scuba diving: a case report Journal Articles
- Effect of fibrin glue on air leak and length of hospital stay after pulmonary lobectomy. Journal Articles
- Hepatic interstitial laser photocoagulation: demonstration and possible clinical importance of intravascular gas. Journal Articles
- Massive air embolism in a newborn Journal Articles