subject area of
- A bifactor model supports unidimensionality of the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form in young active patients with anterior cruciate ligament tears: a retrospective analysis of a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
- Anatomical double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction moderately improved tegner scores over the long-term: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
- Are learning portfolios worth the effort? No Journal Articles
- Assessing the Efficacy and Clinical Utility of Artificial Intelligence Scribes in Urology. Journal Articles
- Assessment of the severity of visible blood in the stool using a cluster of neonatal cases –a quality improvement study Journal Articles
- Atypical Femoral Fracture Alert Program Journal Articles
- CORESS Feedback: Cases from the Confidential Reporting System for Surgery Journal Articles
- Challenges in Evaluating Psychosocial Interventions for Autistic Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
- Clinical information in psychiatric practice: what do doctors know, what do they think is known and what do they record? Journal Articles
- Commentary on: reporting in axial spondyloarthritis: proposal for an MRI reporting system Journal Articles
- Coress is an independent charity, supported by AXA Health, the MDU and the WPA Benevolent Foundation Journal Articles
- Current practice of neonatal resuscitation documentation in North America: a multi-center retrospective chart review Journal Articles
- Developing the Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit Journal Articles
- Do High Symptom Scores Trigger Clinical Actions? An Audit After Implementing Electronic Symptom Screening Journal Articles
- Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? Journal Articles
- Documentation of guideline adherence in antenatal records across maternal weight categories: a chart review Journal Articles
- Documenting life-support preferences in hospitalized patients Journal Articles
- Documenting the indication for antimicrobial prescribing: a scoping review Journal Articles
- Effect of Implementing Community of Practice Modified Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System on Reporting Adherence and Number of Thyroid Biopsies Journal Articles
- Emergency Department Record Keeping and the Potential for Injury Surveillance Journal Articles
- Enhancing the informed consent process for critical care research: Strategies from a thromboprophylaxis trial Journal Articles
- Evaluation of a Modified SBAR Report to Physician Tool to Standardize Communication on Neonatal Transport Journal Articles
- Frequency of infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared with controls: A population‐based study Journal Articles
- Health Diaries: Strategies for Compliance and Relation to Other Measures Journal Articles
- Identifying and characterising health policy and system-relevant documents in Uganda: a scoping review to develop a framework for the development of a one-stop shop Journal Articles
- Identifying and overcoming obstacles to point-of-care data collection for eye care professionals. Journal Articles
- Impact of Automated Reporting of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in the Veterans Health Administration Journal Articles
- Improving the Medication Reconciliation Discharge Prescription Documentation of Rationale for New or Changed Medications at the Niagara Health System Journal Articles
- Is pretest probability assessment on emergency department patients with suspected venous thromboembolism documented before SimpliRED D-dimer testing? Conferences
- Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis Reduces Rotational Laxity When Combined With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review of the Literature Journal Articles
- Method and reporting quality in health professions education research: a systematic review Journal Articles
- Movement Diagram and “End-Feel” Reliability When Measuring Passive Lateral Rotation of the Shoulder in Patients With Shoulder Pathology Journal Articles
- Multi-sectoral collaborations in selected countries of the Eastern Mediterranean region: assessment, enablers and missed opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic response Journal Articles
- Outcome assessment for clinical trials: How many adjudicators do we need? Journal Articles
- Pain management practices with older adults on acute medical units. Journal Articles
- Pediatric eMental healthcare technologies: a systematic review of implementation foci in research studies, and government and organizational documents Journal Articles
- Quantifying the volume of documented clinical information in critical illness Journal Articles
- Recognition of CKD After the Introduction of Automated Reporting of Estimated GFR in the Veterans Health Administration Journal Articles
- Responsiveness and Minimal Important Change of the IKDC of Middle-Aged and Older Patients With a Meniscal Tear Journal Articles
- Taking the weight. Standardizing weight measurement and documentation in continuing care. Journal Articles
- Terminal Lucidity in a Pediatric Oncology Clinic. Journal Articles
- The Feasibility and Acceptability of Using a Portfolio to Assess Professional Competence Journal Articles
- The Uneven Foci of Work Disability Research Across Cause-based and Comprehensive Social Security Systems Journal Articles
- The vexing problem of guidelines and conflict of interest: a potential solution Journal Articles
- Under-reporting of Live Births in Ontario: 1991–1997 Journal Articles
- Video-based documentation and rating system of the motor behaviour of handicapped children treated with physiotherapy —a new outcome measure Journal Articles
- What’s in a Name? Factors Associated with Documentation and Evaluation of Incidental Pulmonary Nodules Journal Articles
- e-Ouch: Usability Testing of an Electronic Chronic Pain Diary for Adolescents With Arthritis Journal Articles
- “SEARS”: A simple tool for clear documentation and communication of shunt histories in pediatric neurosurgery Journal Articles