subject area of
- A phylogenomic reappraisal of family-level divisions within the class Halobacteria: proposal to divide the order Halobacteriales into the families Halobacteriaceae, Haloarculaceae fam. nov., and Halococcaceae fam. nov., and the order Haloferacales into the families, Haloferacaceae and Halorubraceae fam nov. Journal Articles
- Hydrocarbon-related microbial processes in the deep sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin Journal Articles
- Molecular characterization of pHRDV1, a new virus-like mobile genetic element closely related to pleomorphic viruses in haloarchaea Journal Articles
- Phylogenomic analyses and molecular signatures for the class Halobacteria and its two major clades: a proposal for division of the class Halobacteria into an emended order Halobacteriales and two new orders, Haloferacales ord. nov. and Natrialbales ord. nov., containing the novel families Haloferacaceae fam. nov. and Natrialbaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
- Presence of Archaea in the Indoor Environment and Their Relationships with Housing Characteristics Journal Articles