subject area of
- Assessing the impact of an opioid prescribing guideline for dentists in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
- Causes, consequences, and policy responses to the migration of health workers: key findings from India Journal Articles
- Does capitation affect the delivery of oral healthcare and access to services? Evidence from a pilot contact in Northern Ireland Journal Articles
- Evidence regarding the benefits of ergonomic interventions is limited and low quality, but there is also no evidence of harms Journal Articles
- Health worker migration from South Africa: causes, consequences and policy responses Journal Articles
- Market forces and market failure in the general dental service: the efficiency and equity implications of manpower redistribution. Journal Articles
- Mental Health of Canadian Dentists Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal Articles
- Needs-based planning for the oral health workforce - development and application of a simulation model Journal Articles
- Pain perception during injection of local anesthesia in pedodontics. Journal Articles
- Paying for prevention in clinical practice: Aligning provider remuneration with system objectives Journal Articles
- Regional differences in the supply of dental care under the general dental service. Journal Articles
- Study using data sets from the United Kingdom suggests a small risk of adverse effects after prescription of antibiotics by dentists Journal Articles
- The effect of different methods of remuneration on the behaviour of primary care dentists Journal Articles
- The impact of bias of underlying literature in guidelines on its recommendations: assessment of the German fluoride guideline Journal Articles
- The impact of changing provider remuneration on clinical activity and quality of care: Evaluation of a pilot NHS contract in Northern Ireland Journal Articles
- The technical efficiency of oral healthcare provision: Evaluating role substitution in National Health Service dental practices in England Journal Articles
- There seems to be racial bias when making treatment recommendations for patients with irreversible pulpitis and borderline restorable molars Journal Articles
- Understanding effect size: an international online survey among psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians from other medical specialities, dentists and other health professionals Journal Articles
- Understanding why oral health professionals migrate: A qualitative investigation of Iranian dentists who have moved to Canada (Oral health professionals’ migration) Journal Articles