subject area of
- Factors Influencing Laryngeal Vestibular Closure in Healthy Adults Journal Articles
- A Proposed Framework for Rigor and Transparency in Dysphagia Research: Prologue Journal Articles
- A Retrospective Analysis of Swallowing Function and Physiology in Patients Living with Dementia Journal Articles
- A review of swallow timing in the elderly Journal Articles
- Deglutologist Practices and Perceptions of the Penetration-Aspiration Scale: A Survey Study Journal Articles
- Habitual rapid food intake and ineffective esophageal motility Journal Articles
- How Swallow Pressures and Dysphagia Affect Malnutrition and Mealtime Outcomes in Long-Term Care Journal Articles
- Identifying Non-Traditional Approaches to Swallowing Rehabilitation: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
- Impact of Dysphagia Rehabilitation in Adults on Swallowing Physiology Measured With Videofluoroscopy: A Mapping Review Journal Articles
- Issues associated with the use of modified texture foods Journal Articles
- MRI-Based Neuroanatomical Predictors of Dysphagia, Dysarthria, and Aphasia in Patients with First Acute Ischemic Stroke Journal Articles
- Mandibular atrophy may not affect the masticatory performance, swallowing, and oral health–related quality of life of patients receiving 2-implant–supported overdentures Journal Articles
- Measurement of upper esophageal sphincter pressure Journal Articles
- Nocturnal oesophageal motor activity is dependent on sleep stage. Journal Articles
- Participant Characteristics for Dysphagia Research: A Proposed Checklist Journal Articles
- Perception Versus Performance of Swallow Function in Residents of Long-Term Care Journal Articles
- Predictors of Swallowing-Related Quality of Life in United States Veterans with Dysphagia Journal Articles
- Presbyphagia to Dysphagia: Multiple Perspectives and Strategies for Quality Care of Older Adults Journal Articles
- Prevalence, Incidence, and Predictors of Self-reported Swallowing Difficulties in Community-Dwelling Adults: A Population-Based Study from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
- Quality of life and swallowing with standard chemoradiotherapy versus accelerated radiotherapy and panitumumab in locoregionally advanced carcinoma of the head and neck: A phase III randomised trial from the Canadian Cancer Trials Group (HN.6) Journal Articles
- Reference Values for Healthy Swallowing Across the Range From Thin to Extremely Thick Liquids Journal Articles
- Refining items for a preference-based, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis specific, health-related quality of life scale Journal Articles
- Reply – Letter to the Editor – Associations between tongue strength and swallowing difficulty in older adults receiving long-term care Journal Articles
- Representation of the speech effectors in the human motor cortex: Somatotopy or overlap? Journal Articles
- Return to work and self-reported swallowing following transoral robotic surgery for early-stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: A retrospective cohort study. Journal Articles
- Survey of Clinician Perspectives and Practices Regarding Swallowing-Related Fatigue Journal Articles
- The Influence of Food Texture and Liquid Consistency Modification on Swallowing Physiology and Function: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
- The Origin of Nocturnal Intragastric pH Rises in Healthy Subjects Journal Articles
- The Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test (TOR-BSST) Journal Articles
- The effect of tongue strength on meal consumption in long term care Journal Articles
- The effectiveness of the head-turn-plus-chin-down maneuver for eliminating vallecular residue Journal Articles