subject area of
- Barriers to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Autopsies, California Journal Articles
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with intranuclear vacuolar inclusions: a biopsy case of negative light microscopic findings and successful animal transmission Journal Articles
- Inflammatory Cerebrospinal Fluid in Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Journal Articles
- Proceedings of a consensus conference: the screening of blood donors for variant CJD1 1This Consensus Conference took place at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Montreal, Quebec, on March 26–28, 2003, and was chaired by Dr. Gilles Delage of Héma Québec. Journal Articles
- The Clinical Benefits of the Leukoreduction of Blood Products Journal Articles
- The application of the precautionary principle to the blood system: The Canadian blood system's vCJD donor deferral policy Journal Articles