subject area of
- A comparison of spatial frequency tuning for judgments of eye gaze and facial identity Journal Articles
- Aging Reduces Center-Surround Antagonism in Visual Motion Processing Journal Articles
- Aging and the integration of orientation and position in shape perception Journal Articles
- Classification images characterize age-related deficits in face discrimination Journal Articles
- Color vision in ADHD: Part 2 - Does Attention influence Color Perception? Journal Articles
- Comparing face processing strategies between typically-developed observers and observers with autism using sub-sampled-pixels presentation in response classification technique Journal Articles
- Comparison of sensitivity to first- and second-order local motion in 5-year-olds and adults Journal Articles
- Contrast-reversal abolishes perceptual learning Journal Articles
- Contrast‐balanced binocular treatment in children with deprivation amblyopia Journal Articles
- Development of spatial and temporal vision during childhood Journal Articles
- Distribution of corneal spherical aberration in a comprehensive ophthalmology practice and whether keratometry can predict aberration values Journal Articles
- Effects of aging on calculation efficiency and equivalent noise Journal Articles
- Generalized Common Fate: Grouping by Common Luminance Changes Journal Articles
- Glistenings on Intraocular Lenses Journal Articles
- Greater losses in sensitivity to second-order local motion than to first-order local motion after early visual deprivation in humans Journal Articles
- How much practice is needed to produce perceptual learning? Journal Articles
- IOLs glistenings and quality of vision Journal Articles
- Identification of band-pass filtered letters and faces by human and ideal observers Journal Articles
- Influence of monocular deprivation during infancy on the later development of spatial and temporal vision Journal Articles
- Inverting houses and textures: Investigating the characteristics of learned inversion effects Journal Articles
- Isoluminance and contingent color aftereffects Journal Articles
- Lightness Constancy: A Direct Test of the Illumination-Estimation Hypothesis Journal Articles
- Membrane Potential and Conductance Changes Underlying Length Tuning of Cells in Cat Primary Visual Cortex Journal Articles
- Optimal methods for calculating classification images: Weighted sums Journal Articles
- Orientation discrimination in 5-year-olds and adults tested with luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated gratings Journal Articles
- Outcomes of wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis for hyperopia Journal Articles
- Perceptual learning of detection of textures in noise Journal Articles
- Peripheral spatial vision: limits imposed by optics, photoreceptors, and receptor pooling Journal Articles
- Personalized correction of spherical aberration in cataract surgery Conferences
- Repeated measurements of contrast sensitivity reveal limits to visual plasticity after early binocular deprivation in humans Journal Articles
- Results of Phase III Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratectomy for Myopia Journal Articles
- Sensitivity to first- and second-order motion and form in children and adults Journal Articles
- Sleeper effects Journal Articles
- Spatial and temporal vision in patients treated for bilateral congenital cataracts Journal Articles
- Spatial characteristics of center-surround antagonism in younger and older adults Journal Articles
- Spatial phase differences can drive apparent motion Journal Articles
- Strategies and pseudoneglect on luminance judgments: An eye-tracking investigation. Journal Articles
- The Contribution of Noise to Contrast Invariance of Orientation Tuning in Cat Visual Cortex Journal Articles
- The Effect of Displacement on Sensitivity to First- and Second-Order Global Motion in 5-year-olds and Adults Journal Articles
- The Role of Transient Hypothyroxinemia of Prematurity in Development of Visual Abilities Journal Articles
- The effect of aging on contour integration Journal Articles
- The effects of aging on contour discrimination in clutter Journal Articles
- The effects of aging on orientation discrimination Journal Articles
- The effects of face inversion and contrast-reversal on efficiency and internal noise Journal Articles
- The harmonic bandwidth of phase-reversal discrimination Journal Articles
- Triamcinolone Acetonide as Adjunctive Treatment to Verteporfin in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Journal Articles
- Vision in the “Good” Eye of Children Treated for Unilateral Congenital Cataract Journal Articles
- Visual Abilities at 6 Months in Preterm Infants: Impact of Thyroid Hormone Deficiency and Neonatal Medical Morbidity Journal Articles
- Visual and statistical assessment of spatial clustering in mapped data Journal Articles
- Wavefront-guided LASIK for Myopia: Effect on Visual Acuity, Contrast Sensitivity, and Higher Order Aberrations Journal Articles