subject area of
- A BAC contig of approximately 400 kb contains the classical class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes of cattle Journal Articles
- Ancient selection for derived alleles at a GDF5 enhancer influencing human growth and osteoarthritis risk Journal Articles
- Assignment of bovine trophinin (TRO) to the q arm of the X chromosome by fluorescence in situ hybridization Journal Articles
- Cytogenetic comparison of saola <i>(Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)</i> and cattle <i>(Bos taurus)</i> using G- and Q-banding and FISH Journal Articles
- Localization by FISH of the 31 Texas nomenclature type I markers to both Q- and R-banded bovine chromosomes Journal Articles
- Molecular breakpoint mapping of 6q11‐q14 interstitial deletions in seven patients Journal Articles
- Polar body array CGH for prediction of the status of the corresponding oocyte. Part I: clinical results Journal Articles
- Recurrent genomic rearrangements in primary testicular lymphoma. Journal Articles
- Search for the sex-determining switch in monotremes: Mapping WT1, SF1, LHX1, LHX2, FGF9, WNT4, RSPO1 and GATA4 in platypus Journal Articles
- The multiple sex chromosomes of platypus and echidna are not completely identical and several share homology with the avian Z Journal Articles