subject area of
- A Randomized Controlled Trial of Vitamin D Supplementation on Preventing Postmenopausal Bone Loss and Modifying Bone Metabolism Using Identical Twin Pairs Journal Articles
- Accumulated body burden and endogenous release of lead in employees of a lead smelter. Journal Articles
- Age and sex influence on bone and blood lead concentrations in a cohort of the general population living in Toronto Journal Articles
- Calcaneal fractures in children. Journal Articles
- Can a calcaneal morphologic index determine the degree of osteoporosis? Journal Articles
- Controversies in calcaneus fracture management: a systematic review of the literature Journal Articles
- Displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Journal Articles
- Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
- Evaluation of bone mineral density of the peripheral skeleton in pre- and postmenopausal women with newly diagnosed endogenous Cushing's syndrome Journal Articles
- Grid search: an innovative method for the estimation of the rates of lead exchange between body compartments Journal Articles
- In vivo Measurements of Lead in Bone in Long-term Exposed Lead Smelter Workers Journal Articles
- In vivo measurements of bone lead-a comparison of two X-ray fluorescence techniques used at three different bone sites Journal Articles
- In vivo measurements of lead in bone at four anatomical sites: long term occupational and consequent endogenous exposure. Journal Articles
- Lead concentrations in tibial and calcaneal bone in relation to the history of lead exposure Journal Articles
- Nonlinearity in the relationship between bone lead concentrations and CBLI for lead smelter employees Journal Articles
- Partition of circulating lead between serum and red cells is different for internal and external sources of lead Journal Articles
- Photon Scattering Measurements of Calcaneal Bone Density: Results of in vivo Cross-Sectional Studies Journal Articles
- Primary Lymphoma of the Bones of the Foot: Management of Two Cases Journal Articles
- Repeated measurements of tibia lead concentrations by in vivo x ray fluorescence in occupational exposure. Journal Articles
- Serum (plasma) lead, blood lead, and bone lead Journal Articles
- Study of the relationships between bone lead levels and its variation with time and the cumulative blood lead index, in a repeated bone lead survey Journal Articles
- The O'Flaherty Model of Lead Kinetics: An Evaluation Using Data from a Lead Smelter Population Journal Articles