Anesthesia, Obstetrical
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
A Retrospective Evaluation of a Model of Midwifery Care Journal Articles
A comparative study of continuous and intermittent epidural analgesia for labour and delivery Journal Articles
A prospective study of effects of psychological factors and sleep on obstetric interventions, mode of birth, and neonatal outcomes among low-risk British Columbian women Journal Articles
A strategy to promote research-based nursing care: Effects on childbirth outcomes Journal Articles
A strategy to promote research‐based nursing care: Effects on childbirth outcomes Journal Articles
Alkalinization of local anaesthetics Journal Articles
Anaesthesia and pre-eclampsia Journal Articles
Best evidence in anesthetic practice prevention: planned Cesarean delivery reduces early perinatal and neonatal complications for term breech presentations Journal Articles
Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia in a primigravida with valvular heart disease Journal Articles
Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia in a primigravida with valvular heart disease Journal Articles
Continuous infusion epidurals for obstetric analgesia Journal Articles
Controversies in obstetric anaesthesia Journal Articles
Dealing with post-dural puncture headache — is it different in obstetrics? Journal Articles
Epidural analgesia during labour. Journal Articles
Hyperbaric Versus Isobaric Bupivacaine for Spinal Anesthesia: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis for Adult Patients Undergoing Noncesarean Delivery Surgery Journal Articles
Low Back Pain in Pregnancy: Investigations, Management, and Role of Neuraxial Analgesia and Anaesthesia: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Obstetrical anaesthesia in Ontario Journal Articles
Onset of subarachnoid bupivacaine in caesarean section. Journal Articles
PDPH is a common complication of neuraxial blockade in parturients: a meta-analysis of obstetrical studies Journal Articles
Piriformis pyomyositis mimicking epidural abscess in a parturient Journal Articles
Placental transfer of dantrolene. Journal Articles
Pulmonary hypertension and pregnancy: a series of eight cases Journal Articles
Rethinking spinal anesthetic with bupivacaine for cesarean delivery in parturient with Brugada syndrome Journal Articles
Teaching family-centered perinatal care in family medicine, Part 2. Journal Articles
The 2010 Canadian Cardiovascular Society guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure update: Heart failure in ethnic minority populations, heart failure and pregnancy, disease management, and quality improvement/assurance programs Journal Articles
The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Consensus Statement on the Anesthetic Management of Pregnant and Postpartum Women Receiving Thromboprophylaxis or Higher Dose Anticoagulants Journal Articles
The efficacy of bupivacaine 0.75 per cent as an epidural test dose Journal Articles
The wait time creep: Changes in the surgical wait time for women with uterine cancer in Ontario, Canada, during 2000–2009 Journal Articles
Use of Routine Interventions in Labour and Birth in Canadian Hospitals: Comparing Results of the 1993 and 2007 Canadian Hospital Maternity Policies and Practices Surveys Journal Articles
Validation of the Imperial College Surgical Assessment Device (ICSAD) for labour epidural placement Journal Articles