selected scholarly activity
- How Art Works: Hopes, claims and possibilities for social justice. 27-42. 2015
- A workshop dialogue: Institutional circuits and the front-line work of self-governance. 253-254. 2014
- A workshop dialogue: Institutional circuits in cancer care. 273-293. 2014
- Listening for echoes: How social location matters in women's experiences of cancer care. 75-101. 2009
- Making a difference with research. 235-251. 2009
- Nurses can't do it. They have a hundred and ten patients': Health professionals' working conditions and the experiences of informal caregivers. 102-118. 2009
- The stories we tell: Processes and politics of representation. 121-137. 2009
- Ethical issues and issues of ethics. 459-468. 2008
- Perceptions of oncology professionals' work: Implications for informal carers, implications for health systems 2005
- Making a mess and spreading it around: Articulation of an approach to research-based theatre. 57-75. 2001
- Counting on desire: Supporting a lesbian with breast cancer. 191-203. 1999
community engaged research
- Abstract P1-15-09: What are the outcomes of importance for patient education in breast cancer?. Cancer Research. 2020
- Intersecting Vulnerabilities: Gender, poverty, age, aboriginal status in women's lived experience of breast and gynecological cancers. Psycho-Oncology. S102-S103. 2004
- Older women, cancer and cancer care: Accommodation and containment. Psycho-Oncology. S103-S103. 2004
- Lesbians and breast cancer: A participatory research project. Psycho-Oncology. S119-S120. 2003
- Taking research to the stage: two special dramatic performances. Psycho-Oncology. S145-S146. 2003
- The Ontario Breast Cancer Community Research Initiative. Psycho-Oncology. S170-S170. 2003
internet publications
journal articles
- The 'Means Available to Relieve Suffering': Translating Medical Assistance in Dying Safeguards in Canadian Policy and Practice. Social Policy and Society. 2025
- Implementing palliative care education into primary care practice: a qualitative case study of the CAPACITI pilot program. BMC Palliative Care. 22:143. 2023
- Gender and Trajectories of Marital Breakdown: Accounts of Chinese Immigrant Women in Canada. Affilia - Journal of Women and Social Work. 37:701-716. 2022
- When ‘Being There’ Is Disallowed: Disruptions to Knowing and Caring During COVID-19 Visitor Restrictions. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care. 18:46-62. 2022
- ‘Mobility work’: Older adults' experiences using public transportation. Journal of Transport Geography. 97:103221-103221. 2021
- Risk and preventing perinatal HIV transmission: uncovering the social organisation of prenatal care for women living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. Health, Risk & Society. 22:136-155. 2020
- What are you (un)doing with that story?. Qualitative Social Work. 18:514-529. 2019
- Exploring the intersections of transnationalism, sexuality and HIV risk. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 19:645-652. 2017
- Intimacy, identity and relationship in the accounts of Chinese immigrants to Canada: the contribution of narrative analysis. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 19:653-666. 2017
- How do development assistance partners conceptualise and prioritise evidence in Priority Setting (PS) for health programmes relevant to low income countries? A qualitative study. Evidence & Policy. 13:255-273. 2017
- Personal stories, public voices: Performance for public-making. Intensions. Fall/ Winter (8). 2016
- Disparités en matière de santé en cancérologie : exploration de perspectives canadiennes, américaines et internationales. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal. 25:82-92. 2015
- Health disparities in cancer care: Exploring Canadian, American and international perspectives. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal. 25:73-81. 2015
- Seniors' narratives of asking (and not asking) for help after a fall: implications for identity. Ageing and Society. 36:240-258. 2015
- Research in cancer care disparities in countries with universal healthcare: mapping the field and its conceptual contours. Supportive Care in Cancer. 22:3101-3120. 2014
- Disparities in cancer care: Perspectives from the front line. Palliative and Supportive Care. 12:175-181. 2014
- The Ethics of Engaged Presence: A Framework for Health Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Development Work. Developing World Bioethics. 14:47-55. 2014
- Social work and the arts: Images at the intersection. Qualitative Social Work. 13:187-202. 2014
- Metaphors in a Patient's Narrative: Picturing Good Care. Ethics & Social Welfare. 8:57-74. 2014
- Stigmas and Silos: Social Workers' Accounts of Care for People With Serious Mental Illness and Cancer. Social Work in Mental Health. 11:288-309. 2013
- Tragic Choices in Humanitarian Health Work. Journal of Clinical Ethics. 23:338-344. 2012
- Of time and troubles: Patient involvement and the production of health care disparities. Health. 16:400-417. 2012
- Models for Humanitarian Health Care Ethics. Public Health Ethics. 5:81-90. 2012
- (A113) Ethics in the Delivery of Humanitarian Health Response: Learning from the Narratives of Health Care Workers. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 26:s32-s32. 2011
- Staging Ethics: The Promise and Perils of Research-based Performance. Canadian Theatre Review. 146:32-37. 2011
- The right to be involved: Contexts and contradictions. Canadian Social Work Review. 28:69-88. 2011
- "One of my better operations": Older women and cancer. Canadian Woman Studies. 28:82-86. 2010
- Aiming for better than "Nobody flinched": Notes on heterosexism in cancer care. Canadian Woman Studies. 28:89-93. 2010
- Using Institutional Ethnography to Understand the Production of Health Care Disparities. Qualitative Health Research. 20:1656-1663. 2010
- Ethics in Humanitarian Aid Work: Learning From the Narratives of Humanitarian Health Workers. AJOB Empirical Bioethics. 1:45-54. 2010
- “I like to be an informed person but…” negotiating responsibility for treatment decisions in cancer care. Social Science and Medicine. 71:1094-1101. 2010
- 'Playing God Because you Have to': Health Professionals' Narratives of Rationing Care in Humanitarian and Development Work. Public Health Ethics. 3:147-156. 2010
- “Below Their Notice”: Exploring Women's Subjective Experiences of Cancer System Exclusion. Journal of Cancer Education. 24:308-314. 2009
- Treatment Decision Making and Its Discontents. Social Work in Health Care. 48:614-634. 2009
- Disruption foreclosed: older women's cancer narratives. Health. 12:389-411. 2008
- Commentary by Sinding. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 29:922-923. 2007
- Experiences of Transwomen with Hormone Therapy. Sexualities. 10:101-122. 2007
- Community Support, Community Values: The Experiences of Lesbians Diagnosed with Cancer. Women and Health. 44:59-79. 2007
- Audience responses to a research‐based drama about life after breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology. 15:694-700. 2006
- Cancer Care From the Perspectives of Older Women. Oncology Nursing Forum. 32:1169-1175. 2005
- The experiences of men receiving androgen deprivation treatment for prostate cancer: a qualitative study.. Canadian Journal of Urology. 12:2755-2763. 2005
- Active aging—spunky survivorship? Discourses and experiences of the years beyond breast cancer. Journal of Aging Studies. 19:147-161. 2005
- Listening to the Voices of Lesbians Diagnosed with Cancer. Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services. 18:17-35. 2005
- Homophobia and heterosexism in cancer care: the experiences of lesbians.. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 36:170-188. 2004
- Informal care - two-tiered care? The work of family members and friends in hospitals and cancer centres. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 31:69-86. 2004
- Silent no more: Coming out about lesbians and cancer. Canadian Woman Studies, 24(1). 24:37-42. 2004
- Disarmed complaints:. Social Science and Medicine. 57:1375-1385. 2003
- “Because you know there's an end to it”: Caring for a relative or friend with advanced breast cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care. 1:153-163. 2003
- Exposing failures, unsettling accommodations: tensions in interview practice. Qualitative Research. 3:95-117. 2003
- Coming to knowledge about metastatic breast cancer: A drama. Resources for feminist research : RFR = Documentation sur la recherche feministe : DRF. 29:177-186. 2002
- Staging Breast Cancer, Rehearsing Metastatic Disease. Qualitative Health Research. 12:61-73. 2002
- Navigating the Social Context of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Reflections on a Project Linking Research to Drama. Health. 5:233-248. 2001
- The use of research‐based theatre in a project related to metastatic breast cancer. Health Expectations. 3:137-144. 2000
- Home Care Users’ Experiences of Fiscal Constraints: Challenges and Opportunities for Case Management. Care Management Journals. 2:220-225. 2000
- Preparing for Critical Practice in Child Welfare: A Collaborative Justice-Focused Educational Program Towards Transformation in Child Welfare 2019
- Of billiard balls, flagpoles, and stones dropped in water: ‘Making a difference’ between performance and social science 2019
- The intersections of transnationalism, sexuality and HIV risk: The case of Chinese immigrants to Canada 2018
- Association between socioeconomic status and completion of cancer treatment and receipt of supportive care: An exploratory study in Ontario 2018
- The meanings of Participation 2017
- To Appreciate, and Also to Evaluate? Understanding the Effects of Performance Events on Public Discourse 2017
- Performance for public-making in social work education. Part of panel Illuminating the Political: Explorations of Political Art-Making for Our Times 2017
- Social Work & the Arts 2017
- Performing (mis)recognition: A project of arts-informed social work education 2016
- Troubling stories for healthcare learners: how/what can we hear across gulfs of experience? 2016
- Undoing norms of misrecognition: precariously housed women enacting life and power 2016
- Artful effects, in and of social science 2015
- Crafting Indigenous-Settler Alliances for Social Work Education: visiting, listening, sustaining the tension 2015
- What are you un/doing with that story? Crafting stories and images for social justice education 2015
- Empathy, provocation, expression, skills: Roles for the arts and humanities in health care 2015
- Chinese immigrants’ perceptions about and responses to HIV risk in interracial intimate relationships: Understanding power and agency in a transnational context 2015
- Crafting Indigenous-Settler Alliances for Social Work Education: visiting, listening, sustaining the tension 2015
- Critical Questions about ‘Patient Involvement’ in Cancer Care, including Links to Care Disparities 2014
- Inequities in cancer care 2014
- Seniors' narratives of asking (and not asking) for help after a fall 2014
- Artful Social Work 2014
- Vote, and Walk me There: Patients’ images of good care 2014
- The Migration of Desire: Chinese Immigrants' Accounts of Sexuality and Intimate Relationships in Transnational Contexts 2014
- Theoretical promise and practical challenges: Reflections on an ongoing international project on transnationalism and HIV risk 2014
- Vote, and Walk Me There: Images of (Better) Care 2014
- Research-based Drama: Possibilities & Perils for Knowledge Exchange 2014
- Inequities in Cancer Care: Barriers and Lessons. 2013
- Inequity in Cancer Care: Lessons from research 2013
- Shifting Stigmas: Social Workers’ Accounts of Care People with Serious Mental Illness and Cancer 2012
- Translation - or Persuasion? 2012
- What (we think) the arts do: Images of impact 2012
- Social Work and the Arts: Metaphors, Claims, Critique 2012
- Patient involvement: Contradictions and challenges for psychosocial oncology 2011
- Of time and troubles: Patient involvement and health care disparities 2011
- Made normal, made better, made responsible? Discourses and experiences of life after breast cancer. 2011
- Aiming for better than ‘nobody flinched’: Lesbians’ experiences of cancer care 2011
- Inequities in Cancer Care: The Voices of Frontline Health Professionals 2011
- Is this what we really wanted? The contexts and contradictions of patient involvement 2011
- Neighbourhood patterns of access to a cancer program in Canada 2011
- Readiness to change and meaning of home influences falls prevention in the home setting 2011
- Who gets What? A Canadian study examining the associations between social circumstances and breast cancer care. 2011
- ‘One of my better operations’: Older women’s experiences of cancer care 2011
- Knowledge Exchange: Perspectives and Reflections on Equity in Cancer Care 2011
- Disparities in Cancer Care: Perspectives and responses of frontline professionals 2011
- Practice-based research about cancer and mental illness: A social work initiative 2011
- Empowerment or enlistment? Patient involvement in health care contexts 2011
- Qualitative health research across professions and incorporating student involvement: methodological challenges and benefits 2011
- Patient involvement: Contexts and Contradictions 2011
- Patient Involvement: What's really going on? And is this what we really want(ed)? 2011
- Ethical practice in global health: Dilemmas at the front line 2010
- Narratives of Humanitarian Health Workers: A staged reading 2010
- Inequities in Cancer Care: Perspectives from the Front Line 2010
- Lesbians & Breast Cancer: Research and Action 2010
- Humanitarian health work: ethical dilemmas and their representation 2010
- A staged reading about humanitarian health work: Problematics and possibilities 2010
- Accountability Circuits and the Front Line Work of Self-Governance 2010
- Ethics in humanitarian aid work: Learning from the narratives of humanitarian aid health workers 2010
- International humanitarian work, scope of practice, and an ethics of presence 2010
- “Playing God because you have to”: Canadian health professionals’ narratives of rationing care in humanitarian and development work 2009
- Workshop: Ethics in conditions of disaster and deprivation: learning from health workers' narratives 2009
- Qualitative Research on Health Care Disparities: Contributions from Institutional Ethnography 2009
- Evidence Based Practice and Knowledge Exchange: Unpacking the Politics 2009
- Poetic Transcription 2009
- Research-Based Theatre: Crafting qualitative research for audiences beyond the academy 2009
- Extending the Sisterhood: Welcoming women’s diversity in cancer support services 2009
- Research on difference and disparity: the promise of Institutional Ethnography 2009
- Working it through: The promises and puzzles of Institutional Ethnography’s focus on work 2008
- Innovations in Qualitative Research 2008
- Findings from the Lesbians & Breast Cancer Project, LGBT social movements, and accessibility of services to LGBT communities 2007
- Lesbians & Bisexual Women with Cancer: Experiences and strategies for change 2007
- Institutional Rescue: IE as Intervention in Research(er) as Usual 2007
- Using Arts in Qualitative Research 2007
- Social Justice Issues and Health Care: The experience of low income women dealing with breast cancer 2007
- Bird on a Wire: Towards a Theory of Entitlement 2007
- Accessibility to health and social services for LGBT communities 2007
- Gender and Health 2006
- Gender and Health 2006
- City of Hamilton National Day Against Homophobia 2006
- The Lesbians and Cancer Dialogues 2006
- Who takes part, and what do we say about them? The processes and politics of representation in qualitative research 2006
- Lesbian & Gay Dialogues in Health Care 2006
- Queer Conversations, The Sequel: GLBT Issues in Social Work Practice. 2006
- The Lesbians and Cancer Dialogues 2005
- 'Queering' Change: GLBT Issues in Social Work Practice 2005
- The Lesbians and Cancer Dialogues 2005
- Arts-informed educational strategies 2005
- Listening for Echoes: How Gender, Poverty, Age and Aboriginal Identity Matter in Women’s Experience of Breast & Gynecological Cancer 2005
- The Lesbians and Breast Cancer Dialogues 2005
- The Lesbians and Cancer Dialogues 2005
- Listening to the voices of lesbians with cancer: recommendations for change in cancer support services 2005
- “It’s such hard work they do…” Health professionals’ working conditions: Effects on relatives and friends of ill people. 2005
- Lesbian ‘culture’ and cancer experience 2005
- Lesbians and Cancer: Saying the words together 2004
- The Lesbians and Cancer Dialogues 2004
- Participatory Research 2004
- Coming Out about Lesbians and Cancer 2004
- 70+ : Exploring the Cancer Experience of Older Women with Breast And Gynaecological Cancer 2004
- Findings from the Lesbians and Breast Cancer Project: Implications for Community Cancer Services 2004
- Lesbians and Breast Cancer 2004
- Lesbians and Breast Cancer: A Participatory Research Project 2004
- Representing Lesbians with Cancer: Dilemmas and Discoveries in a Participatory Research Project 2004
- 70+ Women and Cancer Study 2004
- Analysis Raising: 70+ Women and Cancer Project 2004
- Health in Cross-Cultural and International Perspective 2003
- Participatory Research 2003
- Crafting the Research Question 2003
- Perceptions of health professionals’ work: Affects on the actions and accounts of informal caregivers 2003
- Qualitative Research: Analysis 2003
- Handle with Care? Reflections on Research-based drama 2002
- Representation in Qualitative Research 2002
- Where are the statistics?! Assessing Qualitative Research 2002
- Disarmed Complaints: Unpacking satisfaction with end-of-life care. 2002
- Ladies in Waiting? A Play About Life After Breast Cancer 2002
- Reflections on a research-based drama about life after breast cancer 2002
- Negotiating cancer survivorship: Reflections on a research-based drama 2002
- Linking Qualitative Research to Drama: News from Field/ Stage 2002
- Handle with Care? Reflections on Research-based drama 2001
- Handle with Care? Representations of Women Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Guest lecture for Doing Disability in Theory and Everyday Life 2001
- Research on the information needs of women with metastatic breast cancer: Positivist, Interpretive and Post-modern approaches 2001
- Handle with Care? Representations of Women Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer 2001
- Policy-Relevant Research: Reflections on a Drama 2000
- Research on the information needs of women with metastatic breast cancer: Positivist, Interpretive and Post-modern approaches 2000
- Handle with Care? An Ethnodrama about Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer. 2000
- Linking research to drama 1999
- Coming to Knowledge about Metastatic Breast Cancer 1999
- Lesbian Health Issues 1997
- Lesbian and Gay Health Issues 1996
- Counting on Desire 1996
- Changing Concepts in Women’s Health 1996