selected scholarly activity
- Peface. Ed. 60. 1982
- From the Editors. Ed. 7. 1980
- Block Size Five: Quo Vadis?. Fields Institute Communications. 345-352. 2024
- Maximal partial latin squares. 225-235. 2017
- Block Design. 124-132. 2006
- 2-(v, k, λ) designs of small order. 25-58. 2006
- Sets of Steiner Triple Systems of Order 9 Revisited. 255-276. 2003
- Resolvable and Near Resolvable Designs 1996
- Extra two-fold Steiner pentagon systems. Discrete Mathematics. 30-34. 2012
- Perfect dexagon triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 214-219. 2008
- Extended Petersen graphs. Discrete Mathematics. 129-140. 2005
- Maximal arcs in Steiner systems S(2,4,v). Discrete Mathematics. 143-151. 2003
journal articles
- Maximal partial Room squares. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 29:482-501. 2021
- Six-cycle systems. Mathematica Slovaca. 71:543-564. 2021
- Anton Kotzig, the founder of graph theory in Slovakia. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications. 93:16-44. 2021
- Reaction graphs of double Fano planes. The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics. 1:#P2.04-#P2.04. 2020
- Perfect 1-factorizations. Mathematica Slovaca. 69:479-496. 2019
- Cyclic and rotational six-cycle systems. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications. 87:41-46. 2019
- Greedy triple systems. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications. 85:74-78. 2019
- Converting a 6-cycle system into a Steiner triple system. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 71:394-402. 2018
- A possible analogue of ρ -labellings for 3-uniform hypergraphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 60:33-37. 2017
- Kite systems of order 8; embedding of kite systems into bowtie systems. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 67:378-393. 2017
- Decompositions of complete graphs into circulants. Discrete Mathematics. 339:2471-2480. 2016
- Almost 2-perfect 6-cycle systems. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography. 77:321-333. 2015
- Steiner loops satisfying Moufang's theorem. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 63:170-181. 2015
- Cubic leaves. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 61:114-129. 2015
- On a problem of Mariusz Meszka. Discrete Mathematics. 338:139-143. 2015
- From Squashed 6‐Cycles to Steiner Triple Systems. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 22:189-195. 2014
- Triple metamorphosis of twofold triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 313:1872-1883. 2013
- Palettes in block colourings of designs. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 56:235-243. 2013
- Trinal Decompositions of Steiner Triple Systems into Triangles. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 21:204-211. 2013
- Solutions to the Oberwolfach problem for orders 18 to 40. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing. 74:95-102. 2010
- Steiner systems S(2, 4, v) - a survey. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 1. 2010
- Steiner systems S(2, 4, v) - a survey. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 1-34. 2009
- Decomposing complete 3-uniform hypergraphs into Hamiltonian cycles. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 45:291-302. 2009
- ON (K-4, K-4 - e)-DESIGNS. Ars Combinatoria. 93:333-340. 2009
- Almost resolvable cycle systems—an analogue of Hanani triple systems. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 17:404-410. 2009
- Steiner almost self-complementary graphs and halving near-Steiner triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 309:5650-5654. 2009
- On a problem of Marco Buratti. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 16. 2009
- On a problem of Marco Buratti: Published. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 16. 2009
On (K
4 ,K4 - e)-designs. Ars Combinatoria. 93:333-340. 2009 - Corrigendum to: “ Two-factorizations of small complete graphs”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 138:4198-4198. 2008
- The chromatic number of 5-valent circulants. Discrete Mathematics. 308:6269-6284. 2008
- Equitable Specialized Block-Colourings for Steiner Triple Systems. Graphs and Combinatorics. 24:313-326. 2008
- Preface. Discrete Mathematics. 308:153-153. 2008
- Preface. Discrete Mathematics. 299:1-1. 2005
- Lambda-fold complete graph decompositions into perfect four-triple configurations. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 32:323-330. 2005
- The Hamilton–Waterloo problem: the case of Hamilton cycles and triangle-factors. Discrete Mathematics. 284:181-188. 2004
- Bicolouring Steiner systems S(2,4,v). Discrete Mathematics. 283:249-253. 2004
- The largest non-integer real zero of chromatic polynomials of graphs with fixed order. Discrete Mathematics. 282:103-112. 2004
- The metamorphosis of λ-fold block designs with block size four into a maximum packing of λKn with 4-cycles. Discrete Mathematics. 278:175-193. 2004
- Embedding Steiner triple systems into Steiner systems S(2,4,v). Discrete Mathematics. 274:199-212. 2004
Resolving P(v, 3, λ) designs into regular P
3 -configurations. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 27:205-212. 2003 - Specialized Block-Colourings of Steiner Triple Systems and the Upper Chromatic Index. Graphs and Combinatorics. 19:335-345. 2003
- The metamorphosis of λ-fold block designs with block size four into λ-fold triple systems. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 106:69-76. 2002
- The metamorphosis of block designs with block size four into (K-4/e)-designs. Utilitas Mathematica. 61:33-46. 2002
- Premature partial Latin squares. Ars Combinatoria. 63:175-184. 2002
- Completing the spectrum of 2-chromatic S(2,4,v). Discrete Mathematics. 247:225-228. 2002
- On large sets of v-1 L-intersecting steiner triple systems of order v. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography. 26:243-256. 2002
- On large sets of v-1 L-intersecting steiner triple systems of order v. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography. 26:243-256. 2002
- Imbalance in tournament designs. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 23:237-251. 2001
- Colouring Steiner systems with specified block colour patterns. Discrete Mathematics. 240:145-160. 2001
- Three-line chromatic indices of Steiner triple systems. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 21:67-84. 2000
- Two-factorizations of small complete graphs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 86:435-442. 2000
- Symmetric Graph Designs. Graphs and Combinatorics. 16:93-102. 2000
- Editorial. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 8:1-1. 2000
- Symmetric graph designs on friendship graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 8:201-206. 2000
- Monogamous decompositions of complete bipartite graphs, symmetric H -squares, and self-orthogonal 1-factorizations. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 20:251-256. 1999
- Some recent results in colouring steiner triple systems. Journal of Geometry. 65:21. 1999
- Embedding partial bipartite cycle systems. Utilitas Mathematica. 55:129-134. 1999
- Bicoloring Steiner Triple Systems. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 6. 1999
- On the 2-parallel chromatic index of Steiner triple systems. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 17:109-131. 1998
- Maximal orthogonal Latin rectangles. Ars Combinatoria. 47:129-145. 1997
- Triangles in 2-factorizations. Journal of Graph Theory. 26:83-94. 1997
- Triangles in 2‐factorizations. Journal of Graph Theory. 26:83-94. 1997
- Orthogonal Double Covers of Complete Graphs by Trees. Graphs and Combinatorics. 13:251-262. 1997
- Large Sets of Mutually Almost Disjoint Steiner Triple Systems Not from Steiner Quadruple Systems. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography. 12:59-67. 1997
- Ubiquitous configurations in Steiner triple systems. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 5:13-31. 1997
- A completion conjecture for Kirkman triple systems. Utilitas Mathematica. 50:97-102. 1996
- The Existence of Selfcomplementary Circulant Graphs. European Journal of Combinatorics. 17:625-628. 1996
- An invariant for one-factorizations of the complete graph. Ars Combinatoria. 42:77-88. 1996
- A CLASS OF STEINER TRIPLE-SYSTEMS OF ORDER-21 AND ASSOCIATED KIRKMAN SYSTEMS (VOL 37, PG 209, 1981). Mathematics of Computation. 64:1355-1356. 1995
- Addendum: A Class of Steiner Triple Systems of Order 21 and Associated Kirkman Systems. Mathematics of Computation. 64:1355-1355. 1995
- Addendum: “A class of Steiner triple systems of order 21 and associated Kirkman systems” [Math. Comp. 37 (1981), no. 155, 209–222; MR0616374 (82k:05022)]. Mathematics of Computation. 64:1355-1356. 1995
- Bipartite labelings of trees and the gracesize. Journal of Graph Theory. 19:201-215. 1995
- Anti-mitre steiner triple systems. Graphs and Combinatorics. 10:215-224. 1994
- Packing pentagons into complete graphs: how clumsy can you get?. Discrete Mathematics. 128:305-316. 1994
- The Spectrum of Orthogonal Steiner Triple Systems. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 46:239-252. 1994
- Hanani triple systems. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 83:305-319. 1993
- The spectrum of maximal partial steiner triple systems. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography. 3:209-219. 1993
- Editoral. Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 1:1-1. 1993
- Maximal Sets of 2-Factors and Hamiltonian Cycles. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B (Print). 57:69-76. 1993
- Halving Steiner triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 109:59-67. 1992
- On a class of completable partial edge-colourings. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 35:293-299. 1992
- Decomposing Steiner Triple Systems Into Four-Line Configurations. Annals of Discrete Mathematics. 52:215-226. 1992
- Preface. Discrete Mathematics. 97:1-1. 1991
- The fine structure of threefold triple systems: υ ≡ 1 or 3 (mod 6). Discrete Mathematics. 92:49-64. 1991
- Pairwise Balanced Designs with Block Sizes Three and Four. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 43:673-704. 1991
- ON A CLASS OF LINEAR-SPACES WITH 16 POINTS. Ars Combinatoria. 31:97-104. 1991
- Partitioning Steiner triple systems into complete arcs. Discrete Mathematics. 89:149-160. 1991
- Repeated edges in 2‐factorizations. Journal of Graph Theory. 14:5-24. 1990
- Hybrid triple systems and cubic feedback sets. Graphs and Combinatorics. 5:15-28. 1989
- JOINTLY EXTENDABLE LATIN RECTANGLES. Utilitas Mathematica. 36:193-195. 1989
- On Alspach's conjecture. Discrete Mathematics. 77:97-121. 1989
- On the (15, 5, λ)-family of BIBDs. Discrete Mathematics. 77:205-216. 1989
- Cyclic Steiner Triple Systems with Cyclic Subsystems. European Journal of Combinatorics. 10:363-367. 1989
- On Alspach's Conjecture. Annals of Discrete Mathematics. 42:97-121. 1989
- On the (15,5, λ)-Family of BIBDs. Annals of Discrete Mathematics. 42:205-216. 1989
- The strong chromatic number of partial triple systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 20:31-38. 1988
- Recursive constructions and some properties of twofold designs with block size four. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure mathematics and statistics. 44:64-70. 1988
- Extending the Concept of Decomposability for Triple Systems. Annals of Discrete Mathematics. 37:107-116. 1988
- QUADRATIC EXCESSES OF COVERINGS BY TRIPLES. Ars Combinatoria. 24:23-30. 1987
- Element neighbourhoods in twofold triple systems. Journal of Geometry. 30:36-41. 1987
- Repeated blocks in indecomposable twofold triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 65:261-276. 1987
- Quadratic leaves of maximal partial triple systems. Graphs and Combinatorics. 2:317-337. 1986
- The number of repeated blocks in twofold triple systems. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 41:61-88. 1986
- Indecomposable 1-factorizations of the complete multigraph. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure mathematics and statistics. 39:334-343. 1985
- Cyclic One-Factorization of the Complete Graph. European Journal of Combinatorics. 6:45-48. 1985
- One‐factorizations of the complete graph—A survey. Journal of Graph Theory. 9:43-65. 1985
- A new strongly regular graph. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 38:84-86. 1985
- On the Existence of Strong Kirkman Cubes of Order 39 and Block Size 3. North-Holland Mathematics Studies. 114:309-319. 1985
- Tables of Parameters of BIBDs with r⩽41 including Existence, Enumeration, and Resolvability Results. North-Holland Mathematics Studies. 114:275-307. 1985
- Further properties of generalized residual designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 10:59-68. 1984
- Theory and Practice of Combinatorics. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 34:452-452. 1983
- Completing small partial triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 45:165-179. 1983
- Kirkman Cubes. North-Holland Mathematics Studies. 78:699-712. 1983
- Premature sets of 1-factors or how not to schedule round robin tournaments. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 4:291-297. 1982
- On Partially Resolvable t–Partitions. North-Holland Mathematics Studies. 60:169-183. 1982
- A Class of Steiner Triple Systems of Order 21 and Associated Kirkman Systems. Mathematics of Computation. 37:209-209. 1981
- A class of Steiner triple systems of order 21 and associated Kirkman systems. Mathematics of Computation. 37:209-222. 1981
- Steiner triple systems with rotational automorphisms. Discrete Mathematics. 33:57-66. 1981
- 2-Chromatic Steiner Quadruple Systems. European Journal of Combinatorics. 1:253-258. 1980
- An Updated Bibliography and Survey of Steiner Systems. Annals of Discrete Mathematics. 7:317-349. 1980
- Intersection Properties of Steiner Systems. Annals of Discrete Mathematics. 7:115-128. 1980
- Room Squares Generalized. Annals of Discrete Mathematics. 8:43-57. 1980
- On a variation of the Oberwolfach problem. Discrete Mathematics. 27:261-277. 1979
- GENERALIZED HOWELL DESIGNS. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 319:484-489. 1979
- Steiner quadruple systems - a survey. Discrete Mathematics. 22:147-181. 1978
- A partial room square can be embedded in a room square. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 22:97-102. 1977
- Steiner quadruple systems all of whose derived Steiner triple systems are nonisomorphic. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 21:35-43. 1976
- On the number of 1-factorizations of the complete graph. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B (Print). 20:265-282. 1976
- On the existence of automorphism free Steiner triple systems. Journal of Algebra. 34:430-443. 1975
- A theorem on the maximum number of disjoint steiner triple systems. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 18:305-312. 1975
- Decomposition of Complete Graphs into Isomorphic Factors with a Given Diameter. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 7:51-57. 1975
- Some results on the Oberwolfach problem. Aequationes Mathematicae. 12:1-5. 1975
- Another class of balanced graph designs: balanced circuit designs. Discrete Mathematics. 12:269-293. 1975
- Finite embedding theorems for partial Steiner triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 13:31-39. 1975
- Some results on the Oberwolfach problem. Aequationes Mathematicae. 11:316-316. 1974
- On the falsity of a conjecture on orthogonal steiner triple systems. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 16:126-128. 1974
- Graph decompositions, handcuffed prisoners and balanced P-designs. Discrete Mathematics. 2:229-252. 1972
- On reverse Steiner triple systems. Discrete Mathematics. 2:61-71. 1972
- Magic Valuations of Finite Graphs. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. 13:451-461. 1970
- Subsystems of Steiner Systems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 175:327-328. 1970