Review Essay: Transatlantic Family TravailThe End of Marriage? Individualism and Intimate Relations. By Jane Lewis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001. Pp. 256. $75.00.The Changing Experience of Childhood: Families and Divorce. By Carol Smart, Bren Neale, and Amanda Wade. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. Pp. 240. $64.30.Same Sex Intimacies: Families of Choice and Other Life Experiments. By Jeffrey Weeks, Brian Heaphy, and Catherine Donovan. London: Routledge, 2001. Pp. 256. $90.00.
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publication date
- November 2002
has subject area
- 1608 Sociology (FoR)
- Sociology (Science Metrix)
published in
- American Journal of Sociology Journal