The Central Mindoro Fault: An Active Sinistral Fault Within the Translational Boundary Between the Palawan Microcontinental Block and the Philippine Mobile Belt Journal Articles uri icon

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  • The NNW-trending Central Mindoro Fault (CMF) is an active oblique left-lateral strike-slip fault as determined from offset morphotectonic features such as spurs and streams. Mapping of the trace and determination of the sinistral strike-slip sense of motion of the CMF is essential not only to the assessment of hazards but also to providing a clearer perspective of its role in accommodating deformation resulting from the NW relative motion between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Sunda Plate. Its sense of motion is also kinematically congruent with the NW-SE translation along a transcurrent zone between the Philippine Mobile Belt and the Palawan Microcontinental Block on the western part of the Philippine archipelago. It is also consistent with the left-lateral motion of other structures within the zone, such as the Verde Passage Fault—another structure believed to be accommodating the NW-SE translation. Mapping of the CMF provides a key constraint in identifying the possible mechanism(s) involved in the dextral strike-slip motion of the 1994 Mindoro Earthquake ground rupture, which is subparallel to the CMF.