SPARC activity modifies Collagen IV dynamics in the cardiac ECM.
Internet Publications
Dysregulation of the cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) underlies many cardiomyopathies. We focus on Collagen IV2 (Drosophila Viking, Vkg), a conserved and major constituent of the cardiac basement membrane (BM). Vkg integration, stabilization, and turnover in the BM is poorly understood but is partially mediated by the Collagen chaperone SPARC. Adapting fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) in vivo, we find that reduced SPARC activity disrupts Vkg organization in the cardiac ECM and reduces incorporation of new Collagen during growth. These suggest that ECM chaperone proteins may contribute to ECM-related disorders such as cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis, and cancer.