Sustainable practice in gastroenterology: travel-related CO2 emissions for gastroenterology clinic appointments in Canada. Journal Articles uri icon

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  • BACKGROUND: Telemedicine is increasingly common in gastroenterology and may represent an opportunity for improving sustainability in medical care. The purpose of this study was to determine the carbon emissions related to travel for in-person gastroenterology clinic appointments. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis evaluating carbon emissions associated with travel to gastroenterology appointments over a 2-week period. We determined the average number of appointments per day and used patient's postal codes to estimate travel distances. We estimated carbon emissions based on these travel distances and completed sensitivity analyses to model methods for emissions reductions. RESULTS: We assessed 975 clinic appointments, of which 71 were excluded (eg, insufficient data, non-physician appointments), leaving 904 included appointments of which 75% were follow-up (678) and the remainder were new consultations (226). Sixteen different gastroenterologists had an average of 22.7 patients per clinic. The mean return distance travelled per appointment was 57.3 km which translates to 14.9 kg CO2 per patient visit. An average day at our clinic was equal to burning 146.6 L of gasoline or the annual carbon capture of 15.5 trees. By changing follow-up appointments or those with a travel distance over 100 km to telehealth, emissions were reduced by 77%. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that a relatively modest change in the number of in-person visits can save thousands of litres of gasoline emissions annually from each practicing clinician. While we cannot avoid emissions related to travel for procedure-based appointments, the use of telemedicine is one potential strategy to reduce healthcare-related emissions.


publication date

  • February 2025