The MACHO Project LMC Variable Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of the First Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial Pulsations Preprints uri icon

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  • Alcock, C
  • Allsman, R
  • Alves, DR
  • Axelrod, T
  • Becker, A
  • Bennett, D
  • Clement, C
  • Cook, KH
  • Drake, A
  • Freeman, K
  • Geha, M
  • Griest, K
  • Kovacs, G
  • Kurtz, DW
  • Lehner, M
  • Marshall, S
  • Minniti, D
  • Nelson, C
  • Peterson, B
  • Popowski, P
  • Pratt, M
  • Quinn, P
  • Rodgers, A
  • Rowe, J
  • Stubbs, C
  • Sutherland, W
  • Tomaney, A
  • Vandehei, T
  • Welch, Douglas L

publication date

  • May 17, 2000