rescuer: cosmological K-corrections for star clusters Journal Articles uri icon

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  • ABSTRACT The advent of JWST now allows entire star cluster populations to be imaged in galaxies at cosmologically significant redshifts, bringing with it the need to apply K-corrections to their magnitudes and colour indices. Since the stellar populations within star clusters can be well approximated by a single age and metallicity, their spectral energy distributions are very different from those of galaxies or supernovae, and their K-corrections behave differently. We derive the photometric K-corrections versus redshift for model star clusters that cover a wide range of ages and metallicities, illustrating the results particularly for the broad-band filters on the Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys and the JWST/Near-Infrared Camera that are most commonly being used for imaging of populations of star clusters in distant galaxies. In an appendix, we introduce a webtool called rescuer (REdshifted Star ClUstERs) that can generate K-values and their uncertainties for any user-defined combination of cluster properties.

publication date

  • June 14, 2024