Machine learning assisted discovery of effective viscous material laws for shear-thinning fiber suspensions Journal Articles uri icon

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  • AbstractIn this article, we combine a Fast Fourier Transform based computational approach and a supervised machine learning strategy to discover models for the anisotropic effective viscosity of shear-thinning fiber suspensions. Using the Fast Fourier Transform based computational approach, we study the effects of the fiber orientation state and the imposed macroscopic shear rate tensor on the effective viscosity for a broad range of shear rates of engineering process interest. We visualize the effective viscosity in three dimensions and find that the anisotropy of the effective viscosity and its shear rate dependence vary strongly with the fiber orientation state. Combining the results of this work with insights from literature, we formulate four requirements a model of the effective viscosity should satisfy for shear-thinning fiber suspensions with a Cross-type matrix fluid. Furthermore, we introduce four model candidates with differing numbers of parameters and different theoretical motivations, and use supervised machine learning techniques for non-convex optimization to identify parameter sets for the model candidates. By doing so, we leverage the flexibility of automatic differentiation and the robustness of gradient based, supervised machine learning. Finally, we identify the most suitable model by comparing the prediction accuracy of the model candidates on the fiber orientation triangle, and find that multiple models predict the anisotropic shear-thinning behavior to engineering accuracy over a broad range of shear rates.


publication date

  • January 1, 2024