How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows Preprints uri icon

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  • Bosoni, Emanuele
  • Beal, Louis
  • Bercx, Marnik
  • Blaha, Peter
  • Blügel, Stefan
  • Bröder, Jens
  • Callsen, Martin
  • Cottenier, Stefaan
  • Degomme, Augustin
  • Dikan, Vladimir
  • Eimre, Kristjan
  • Flage-Larsen, Espen
  • Fornari, Marco
  • Garcia, Alberto
  • Genovese, Luigi
  • Giantomassi, Matteo
  • Huber, Sebastiaan P
  • Janssen, Henning
  • Kastlunger, Georg
  • Krack, Matthias
  • Kresse, Georg
  • Kühne, Thomas D
  • Lejaeghere, Kurt
  • Madsen, Georg KH
  • Marsman, Martijn
  • Marzari, Nicola
  • Michalicek, Gregor
  • Mirhosseini, Hossein
  • Müller, Tiziano MA
  • Petretto, Guido
  • Pickard, Chris J
  • Poncé, Samuel
  • Rignanese, Gian-Marco
  • Rubel, Oleg
  • Ruh, Thomas
  • Sluydts, Michael
  • Vanpoucke, Danny EP
  • Vijay, Sudarshan
  • Wolloch, Michael
  • Wortmann, Daniel
  • Yakutovich, Aliaksandr V
  • Yu, Jusong
  • Zadoks, Austin
  • Zhu, Bonan
  • Pizzi, Giovanni

publication date

  • May 26, 2023