Management and prevention of drug resistant infections in burn patients Journal Articles uri icon

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  • Introduction: Despite modern advances, the primary cause of death after burns remains infection and sepsis. A key factor in determining outcomes is colonization with multi-drug resistant (MDR) organisms. Infections secondary to MDR organisms are challenging due to lack of adequate antibiotic treatment, subsequently prolonging hospital stay and increasing risk of adverse outcomes. Areas covered: This review highlights the most frequent organisms colonizing burn wounds as well as the most common MDR bacterial infections. Additionally, we discuss different treatment modalities and MDR infection prevention strategies as their appropriate management would minimize morbidity and mortality in this population. We conducted a search for articles on PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane, Scopus and UpToDate with applied search strategies including a combination of: "burns, 'thermal injury,' 'infections,' 'sepsis,' 'drug resistance,' and 'antimicrobials.' Expert opinion: Management and prevention of MDR infections in burns is an ongoing challenge. We highlight the importance of preventative over therapeutic strategies, which are easy to implement and cost-effective. Additionally, targeted, limited use of antimicrobials can be beneficial in burn patients. A promising future area of investigation within this field is post-trauma microbiome profiling. Currently, the best treatment strategy for MDR in burn patients is prevention.

publication date

  • August 3, 2019