How Canada can supply Europe with critical energy by creating a Trans‐Atlantic energy bridge Journal Articles uri icon

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  • AbstractPublic policy decisions made over the past 10–15 years have significantly impacted the resiliency of Canadian and European energy systems. Rightly or wrongly, these decisions have included shifts away from coal and nuclear energy for electricity in favour of wind and solar, scuttling oil pipeline developments in all directions in Canada, how world governments responded to the pandemic, and increased reliance on Russian and US energy networks. The pandemic and subsequent Russian invasion of Ukraine have significantly tested the resiliency of these systems and caused major impacts on prices and everyday life. It has revealed weaknesses in Western energy security, and Europe is scrambling to adjust to sudden and drastic reductions in imports of Russian energy. In this perspective, I review the challenges to our energy systems. Then, I propose the creation of a Trans‐Atlantic energy bridge to Europe and highlight some technologies and strategies Canada can use to create it.

publication date

  • April 2023