- In recent work, the superconformal quantum mechanics describing D0 branes in the AdS_2xS^2xCY_3 attractor geometry of a Calabi-Yau black hole with D4 brane charges p^A has been constructed and found to contain a large degeneracy of chiral primary bound states. In this paper it is shown that the asymptotic growth of chiral primaries for N D0 branes exactly matches the Bekenstein-Hawking area law for a black hole with D4 brane charge p^A and D0 brane charge N. This large degeneracy arises from D0 branes in lowest Landau levels which tile the CY_3xS^2 horizon. It is conjectured that such a multi-D0 brane CFT1 is holographically dual to IIA string theory on AdS_2xS^2xCY_3.