Evolution of Quantum Fluctuations Near the Quantum Critical Point of the Transverse Field Ising Chain SystemCoNb2O6 Journal Articles uri icon

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  • The transverse field Ising chain (TFIC) model is ideally suited for testing the fundamental ideas of quantum phase transitions, because its well-known $T=0$ ground state can be extrapolated to finite temperatures. Nonetheless, the lack of appropriate model materials hindered the past effort to test the theoretical predictions. Here we map the evolution of quantum fluctuations in the TFIC based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements of CoNb$_2$O$_6$, and demonstrate the finite temperature effects on quantum criticality for the first time. From the temperature dependence of the $^{93}$Nb longitudinal relaxation rate $1/T_1$, we identify the renormalized classical, quantum critical, and quantum disordered scaling regimes in the temperature ($T$) vs. transverse magnetic field ($h_{\perp}$) phase diagram. Precisely at the critical field $h_{\perp}^{c}=5.25 \pm 0.15$ T, we observe a power-law behavior, $1/T_{1} \sim T^{-3/4}$, as predicted by quantum critical scaling. Our parameter-free comparison between the data and theory reveals that quantum fluctuations persist up to as high as $T \sim 0.4 J$, where the intra-chain exchange interaction $J$ is the only energy scale of the problem.

publication date

  • July 14, 2014