- A high-resolution gradient echo, multi-slice segmented echo planar imaging method was used for functional MRI (fMRI) using a motor task at 1.5 Tesla. Functional images with an in-plane resolution of 1 mm and slice thickness of 4 mm were obtained with good white-gray matter contrast. The multi-shot approach, combined with a short total readout period of 82 ms, limits blurring effects for short T(2)(*) tissues (such as gray matter), assuring truly high-resolution images. In all subjects, motor functions were clearly depicted in the contralateral central sulcus over several slices and sometimes activation was detected in the supplementary motor area and/or ipsilateral central sulcus. The average signal change of 11+/-3% was much higher than in standard low-resolution fMRI EPI experiments, as a result of larger relative blood fractions.