Image Retrieval via Canonical Correlation Analysis and Binary Hypothesis Testing Journal Articles uri icon

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  • Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is a classic multivariate statistical technique, which can be used to find a projection pair that maximally captures the correlation between two sets of random variables. The present paper introduces a CCA-based approach for image retrieval. It capitalizes on feature maps induced by two images under comparison through a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and leverages basis vectors identified through CCA, together with an element-wise selection method based on a Chernoff-information-related criterion, to produce compact transformed image features; a binary hypothesis test regarding the joint distribution of transformed feature pair is then employed to measure the similarity between two images. The proposed approach is benchmarked against two alternative statistical methods, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Component Analysis with whitening (PCAw). Our CCA-based approach is shown to achieve highly competitive retrieval performances on standard datasets, which include, among others, Oxford5k and Paris6k.


  • Shi, Kangdi
  • Liu, Xiaohong
  • Alrabeiah, Muhammad
  • Guo, Xintong
  • Lin, Jie
  • Liu, Huan
  • Chen, Jun

publication date

  • March 2022