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  • In recent work, Benjamin Schumacher and Michael~D. Westmoreland investigate a version of quantum mechanics which they call "modal quantum theory" but which we prefer to call "discrete quantum theory". This theory is obtained by instantiating the mathematical framework of Hilbert spaces with a finite field instead of the field of complex numbers. This instantiation collapses much the structure of actual quantum mechanics but retains several of its distinguishing characteristics including the notions of superposition, interference, and entanglement. Furthermore, discrete quantum theory excludes local hidden variable models, has a no-cloning theorem, and can express natural counterparts of quantum information protocols such as superdense coding and teleportation. Our first result is to distill a model of discrete quantum computing from this quantum theory. The model is expressed using a monadic metalanguage built on top of a universal reversible language for finite computations, and hence is directly implementable in a language like Haskell. In addition to superpositions and invertible linear maps, the model includes conventional programming constructs including pairs, sums, higher-order functions, and recursion. Our second result is to relate this programming model to relational programming, e.g., a pure version of Prolog over finite relations. Surprisingly discrete quantum computing is identical to conventional logic programming except for a small twist that is responsible for all the ``quantum-ness.'' The twist occurs when merging sets of answers computed by several alternatives: the answers are combined using an "exclusive" version of logical disjunction. In other words, the two branches of a choice junction exhibit an "interference" effect: an answer is produced from the junction if it occurs in one or the other branch but not both.


publication date

  • January 19, 2011