authors Thounthong, Phatiphat Mungporn, Pongsiri Pierfederici, Serge Guilbert, Damien Takorabet, Noureddine Nahid-Mobarakeh, Babak Hu, Yihua Bizon, Nicu Huangfu, Yigeng Kumam, Poom Burikham, Piyabut
has subject area 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FoR) 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering (FoR)
keywords CONSTANT POWER LOADS Constant power load (CPL) DESIGN Energy & Fuels Engineering Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Green & Sustainable Science & Technology IMPEDANCE IMPROVEMENT INTERCONNECTION Lyapunov function MOTOR PASSIVITY-BASED CONTROL STABILITY SYSTEMS Science & Technology Science & Technology - Other Topics Technology VEHICLE electric vehicle fuel cell (FC) interconnection and damping-assignment-passivity-based controller (IDA-PBC) microgrid multiphase interleaved step-up converter port-Hamiltonian (pH)