A planetary system with two transiting mini-Neptunes near the radius valley transition around the bright M dwarf TOI-776 Journal Articles uri icon

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  • We report the discovery and characterization of two transiting planets around the bright M1 V star LP 961-53 (TOI-776,J= 8.5 mag,M= 0.54 ± 0.03M) detected during Sector 10 observations of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Combining the TESS photometry with HARPS radial velocities, as well as ground-based follow-up transit observations from the MEarth and LCOGT telescopes, for the inner planet, TOI-776 b, we measured a period ofPb= 8.25 d, a radius ofRb= 1.85 ± 0.13R, and a mass ofMb= 4.0 ± 0.9M; and for the outer planet, TOI-776 c, a period ofPc= 15.66 d, a radius ofRc= 2.02 ± 0.14R, and a mass ofMc= 5.3 ± 1.8M. The Doppler data shows one additional signal, with a period of ~34 d, associated with the rotational period of the star. The analysis of fifteen years of ground-based photometric monitoring data and the inspection of different spectral line indicators confirm this assumption. The bulk densities of TOI-776 b and c allow for a wide range of possible interior and atmospheric compositions. However, both planets have retained a significant atmosphere, with slightly different envelope mass fractions. Thanks to their location near the radius gap for M dwarfs, we can start to explore the mechanism(s) responsible for the radius valley emergence around low-mass stars as compared to solar-like stars. While a larger sample of well-characterized planets in this parameter space is still needed to draw firm conclusions, we tentatively estimate that the stellar mass below which thermally-driven mass loss is no longer the main formation pathway for sculpting the radius valley is between 0.63 and 0.54M. Due to the brightness of the star, the TOI-776 system is also an excellent target for theJames WebbSpace Telescope, providing a remarkable laboratory in which to break the degeneracy in planetary interior models and to test formation and evolution theories of small planets around low-mass stars.


  • Luque, R
  • Serrano, LM
  • Molaverdikhani, K
  • Nixon, MC
  • Livingston, JH
  • Guenther, EW
  • Pallé, E
  • Madhusudhan, N
  • Nowak, G
  • Korth, J
  • Cochran, WD
  • Hirano, T
  • Chaturvedi, P
  • Goffo, E
  • Albrecht, S
  • Barragán, O
  • Briceño, C
  • Cabrera, J
  • Charbonneau, D
  • Cloutier, Ryan
  • Collins, KA
  • Collins, KI
  • Colón, KD
  • Crossfield, IJM
  • Csizmadia, Sz
  • Dai, F
  • Deeg, HJ
  • Esposito, M
  • Fridlund, M
  • Gandolfi, D
  • Georgieva, I
  • Glidden, A
  • Goeke, RF
  • Grziwa, S
  • Hatzes, AP
  • Henze, CE
  • Howell, SB
  • Irwin, J
  • Jenkins, JM
  • Jensen, ELN
  • Kábath, P
  • Kidwell, RC
  • Kielkopf, JF
  • Knudstrup, E
  • Lam, KWF
  • Latham, DW
  • Lissauer, JJ
  • Mann, AW
  • Matthews, EC
  • Mireles, I
  • Narita, N
  • Paegert, M
  • Persson, CM
  • Redfield, S
  • Ricker, GR
  • Rodler, F
  • Schlieder, JE
  • Scott, NJ
  • Seager, S
  • Šubjak, J
  • Tan, TG
  • Ting, EB
  • Vanderspek, R
  • Van Eylen, V
  • Winn, JN
  • Ziegler, C

publication date

  • January 2021