Czy potranslacyjne chemiczne modyfikacje blon komorkowych i lipoprotein osocza u chorych na cukrzyce moga wplywac na obnizona plynnosc blon plytek krwi i erytrocytow? [Do chemical modifications of membrane proteins and plasma lipoproteins in diabetes mellitus underlie reduced membrane lipid fluidity in platelets and erythrocytes?] \textbar Request PDF Other uri icon

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  • Request PDF on ResearchGate \textbar On , C. Watala and others published Czy potranslacyjne chemiczne modyfikacje blon komorkowych i lipoprotein osocza u chorych na cukrzyce moga wplywac na obnizona plynnosc blon plytek krwi i erytrocytow? [Do chemical modifications of membrane proteins and plasma lipoproteins in diabetes mellitus underlie reduced membrane lipid fluidity in platelets and erythrocytes?]