Polymicrogyria: correlation of magnetic resonance imaging and clinical findings
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AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate the correlation between clinical presentation and the extent of cortical involvement in patients with polymicrogyria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The magnetic resonance imaging findings of 26 patients were evaluated for the location and distribution of polymicrogyria. Presence of asphyxia at birth and serological tests for TORCH infections, the presence and type (spastic, flaccid) of motor deficits, mental development,microcephaly, and epilepsy were noted. RESULTS: Nineteen patients had bilateral, whereas seven had unilateral involvement. Patients with unilateral polymicrogyria presented later with milder symptoms. The most encountered symptom in patients with bilateral involvement was mental motor retardation (MMR) (89%) and speech problems (84%).The clinical presentations of patients with asphyxia and positive serological tests for cytomegalovirus (CMV) were worse.All patients with positive serological tests for CMV had bilateral involvement. The perisylvian region was affected in five(71%) patients with unilateral involvement. The most encountered presenting symptom in these patients was epilepsy. Cerebral palsy was seen in three (43%) of the patients, and all of them had left hemiparesis. Microcephaly, MMR, and speech delay were detected in one (14%) of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Late presenting epilepsy may be a predictor of aunilateral polymicrogyria and is associated with relatively good prognosis. CMV infection and the presence of asphyxia are predictors of worse prognosis.