authors Watson, R Scott Choong, Karen Li-mei Colville, Gillian Crow, Sheri Dervan, Leslie A Hopkins, Ramona O Knoester, Hennie Pollack, Murray M Rennick, Janet Curley, Martha AQ
has subject area 1106 Human Movement and Sports Sciences (FoR) 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine (FoR) Child (MeSH) Child Development (MeSH) Critical Care (MeSH) Critical Illness (MeSH) Humans (MeSH) Pediatrics (Science Metrix) Quality of Life (MeSH) Recovery of Function (MeSH) Syndrome (MeSH)
keywords Child Child Development Critical Care Critical Illness Humans Pediatric critical care Quality of Life Recovery of Function Syndrome functional status health-related quality of life outcomes psychological outcomes