Whole blood treated with riboflavin and ultraviolet light: quality assessment of all blood components produced by the buffy coat method Journal Articles uri icon

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  • BackgroundPathogen inactivation (PI) technologies are currently licensed for use with platelet (PLT) and plasma components. Treatment of whole blood (WB) would be of benefit to the blood banking community by saving time and costs compared to individual component treatment. However, no paired, pool‐and‐split study directly assessing the impact ofWB PIon the subsequently produced components has yet been reported.Study Design and MethodsIn a “pool‐and‐split” study,WBeither was treated with riboflavin and ultraviolet (UV) light or was kept untreated as control. The buffy coat (BC) method produced plasma,PLT, and red blood cell (RBC) components.PLTunits arising from the untreatedWBstudy arm were treated with riboflavin andUVlight on day of production and compared toPLTconcentrates (PCs) produced from the treatedWBunits. A panel of common in vitro variables for the three types of components was used to monitor quality throughout their respective storage periods.ResultsPCsderived from theWB PItreatment were of significantly better quality than treatedPLTcomponents for most variables.RBCsproduced from theWBtreatment deteriorated earlier during storage than untreated units. Plasma components showed a 3% to 44% loss in activity for several clotting factors.ConclusionTreatment ofWBwith riboflavin andUVbefore production of components by theBCmethod shows a negative impact on all three blood components.PLTunits produced fromPI‐treatedWBexhibited less damage compared toPLTcomponent treatment.


  • Schubert, Peter
  • Culibrk, Brankica
  • Karwal, Simrath
  • Serrano, Katherine
  • Levin, Elena
  • Bu, Daniel
  • Bhakta, Varsha
  • Sheffield, William
  • Goodrich, Raymond P
  • Devine, Dana V

publication date

  • April 2015

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