- Haemophilia is a rare and potentially life-threatening disease. In Sweden, with a population of approximately 8.5 million, about 350 people suffer from the more severe forms of haemophilia or von Willebrand disease. Meticulous management is important if the patients are to be spared chronic disability and serious treatment complications. The disease is lifelong and affects psychosocial aspects of life among patients and their families. With the help of a grant from the Swedish Board of Halth and Welfare, a care programme has been designed to guarantee Swedish haemophiliacs comparable and optimal care. The programme has been drawn up by representatives of the three haemophilia centres in Sweden (at University Hospital, Malmö, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, and Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm) in co-operation with the World Federation of National Haemophilia Organisations. To ensure optimal individual application of the programme, individualised management strategies and patient information leaflets have been prepared.