selected scholarly activity
book reviews
- Postcolonial Ecocriticism: Literature, Animals and the Environment. Ed. 5.4. 2009
- “The Micropolitics of Slow Living.” Review of Slow Living,. Ed. 13.2. 2007
- “Speed Kills.” Review of No Time: Stress and the Crisis of Modern Life,”. Ed. 15. 2006
- Escaping the Speed Trap Review of In Praise of Slow: How a Worldwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of Speed. Ed. 186. 2005
- Review of Mappings: Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter,. Ed. 28. 2001
- “Back to the Physical World.” Review of The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology, ed. Cheryl Glotfelty and Harold Fromm, and Deep Currents: Roderick and Ann HaigBrown,. Ed. 164. 2000
- “Closing the Gap Between Word and World: A Review of Diana Relke’s Greenwor(l)ds.”. Ed. 46. 2000
- What the World Might Look Like Decolonial Stories of Resilience and Refusal 2024
- Glocal Narratives of Resilience 2019
- Popular Culture A User's Guide 2017
- Time and Globalization An Interdisciplinary Dialogue 2017
- Time, Globalization and Human Experience Interdisciplinary Explorations 2016
- Time, Globalization and Human Experience: Interdisciplinary Explorations 2016
- Popular Culture A User's Guide 2013
- Environmental Criticism for the Twenty-First Century 2011
- Postcolonial America 2000
- Introduction. 1-12. 2018
- Resilience.. 281-284. 2017
- The Edgework of the Clerk: Resilience in Arundhati Roy’s Walking with the Comrades. 207-224. 2015
- The Edgework of the Clerk: Resilience in Arundhati Roy's Walking with the Comrades. 189-206. 2015
- Postcolonialism and the Environment 2013
- Nature's Nation, National Natures? Reading Ecocriticism in a Canadian Context (1998). 167-195. 2013
- No Debt Outstanding’: The Postcolonial Politics of Local Food 2011
- "No Debt Outstanding" The Postcolonial Politics of Local Food. 231-246. 2011
- Anti-Fascist Gluttons of the World Unite! The Cultural Politics of Slow Food. 219-239. 2010
- 'Back to the World': Reading Ecocriticism in a Postcolonial Context. 177-199. 2007
- Back to the World’: Reading Ecocriticism in a Postcolonial Context 2007
- New Postnational Narratives, Old American Dreams; Or, the Problem with Coming-of-Age Stories. 65-80. 2000
journal articles
- Reckoning, Repairing, Reworlding: The (In)humanities, Artistic Practices, and Planetary Crisis Introduction. Studies in Social Justice. 18:658-680. 2024
- Reckoning, Repairing, and Reworlding as Praxis. Studies in Social Justice. 18:1006-1022. 2024
- “Participate or Perish”: Reckoning with the time bind of graduate student life. Time & Society. 32:292-300. 2023
- “Somehow, a City”: Unsettling Urban Resilience Narratives. Studies in Canadian Literature - Etudes en Litterature Canadienne. 48:15-37. 2023
- A History of Environmental Futurity: Special Issue Introduction. Resilience: a journal of the environmental humanities. 4:1-1. 2017
- Resilience Stories: Narratives of Adaptation, Refusal, and Compromise. Resilience: a journal of the environmental humanities. 4:43-43. 2017
- Exploring the Intersection of Time and Globalization. Globalizations. 13:243-255. 2016
- ‘We Thought the World Was Makeable’: Scenario Planning and Postcolonial Fiction. Globalizations. 13:329-344. 2016
- “Graceful Failure”: The Privatization of Resilience. Review of Education, Pedagogy, & Cultural Studies, The. 36:260-273. 2014
- Creative Destruction and a Sliver of Hope. Resilience: a journal of the environmental humanities. 1. 2014
- HIV/AIDS, aging and globalization: New directions in time perspective work. An interdisciplinary forum on time and globalization: Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition Working Paper Series3 : McMaster University. 34-38. 2012
- Resilient Virtue and the Virtues of Resilience: Post-Bhopal Ecology in Animal's People. Kunapipi: journal of postcolonial writing. 34:23-31. 2012
- Canadian Literary Environments. CANADIAN LITERATURE. 2010:118-120. 2010
- Superfluous Words: Ecological and Cultural Resilience in Things Fall Apart. Postcolonial Text. 5. 2009
- The Micropolitics of Slow Living. Cultural Studies Review. 13:237-241. 2007
- SURVIVAL STRATEGIES FOR GLOBAL TIMES. Interventions. 9:83-98. 2007
- 'In praise of slow'. How a worldwide movement is challenging the cult of speed.. CANADIAN LITERATURE. 143-144. 2005
- On Death and Donuts: Irony and Ecology after September 11. Cultural Critique. 58:148-167. 2004
- The garden and the world: Jamaica Kincaid and the cultural borders of ecocriticism. Mosaic. 35:167-184. 2002
- Introduction: The Globalization of Fiction/the Fiction of Globalization. South Atlantic Quarterly. 100:603-626. 2001
- Articulating a world of difference: Ecocriticism, postcolonialism and globalization. CANADIAN LITERATURE. 170-171:140-158. 2001
- Deep currents: Roderick Haig-Brown and Ann Haig-Brown. CANADIAN LITERATURE. 154-156. 2000
- The ecocriticism reader: Landmarks in literary ecology. CANADIAN LITERATURE. 154-156. 2000
- The place of America in an era of postcolonial imperialism. Ariel: A Review of International English Literature. 29:159-183. 1998
- Nature's Nation, National Natures? Reading Ecocriticism in a Canadian Context. Canadian Poetry. 42:17-41. 1998
- Serving a New World Order: Postcolonial Politics in Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day. MFS: Modern Fiction Studies. 42:787-806. 1996
- 'Please Eunice, Don't Be Ignorant': The White Reader as Trickster in Lee Maracle's Fiction. CANADIAN LITERATURE. 144:82-96. 1995
- Lying Back and Thinking of England: Sex and Nationalism in Charlotte Brontë's Shirley. Revue Frontenac Review. 10-11:54-79. 1993
- Raising Silent Voices: The Role of the Silent Child in An Imaginary Life and The Bone People. SPAN: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies. 30:79-91. 1990
- Encyclopedia of Global Studies - Google Books
- Fueling Culture. Fordham University Press.
- Fueling Culture: 101 Words for Energy and Environment: Wenzel, Jennifer, Yaeger, Patricia, Szeman, Imre: 9780823273911: Books -
- “Back to the World”: Reading Ecocriticism in a Postcolonial Context in: Five Emus to the King of Siam
- “The Story You Don’t Want to Tell”: Decolonial Resilience in Thomas King’s The Back of the Turtle 2018
- “The Political Aesthetics of Adaptability.” 2018
- “From Globalization to Anti-Colonial Planetarity: The Idea of Resilience in Alexis Wright’s The Swan Book.” 2017
- “Apparently happy people”: Trauma, mental health and Indigenous resilience in Leanne Simpson’s Islands of Decolonial Love 2017
- “‘It's been the end of the world for somebody all along’: the Anthropocene, settler-colonialism and Indigenous resilience.” 2017
- “What Do We (Not) Talk About When We Talk About Climate Change?” 2016
- “Resilience Narratives” 2016
- “The Future We Want?” 2015
- Something (good) may surprise us': Resilience and Environmental Justice in Rita Wong and Larissa Lai's sybil unrest 2014
- “Postcolonial Ecocriticism.” 2013
- Postcolonial Resilience." Roundtable: Natures of Empire: Postcolonial Ecocriticism and the Environmental Humanities. 2013
- On the Edge of Resilience: The Postcolonial Environment in Arundhati Roy's Work 2013
- The Downside of Up, or: What's the Matter With Resilience? 2012
- Not Eating the Other: The Etiquette and Ecology of Local Food 2011
- No Debt Outstanding;: The Postcolonial Ecology of Local Food. 2009
- “Black Swans and Slum Dogs: The Postcolonial Politics of Resilience” in the Department of Media 2009
- “Superfluous Words: Ecological and Cultural Resilience in Things Fall Apart.” 2008
- Roundtable on Katherine Morrison’s Canadians Are Not Americans: Myths and Literary Traditions. 2005
- “Mock the Vote vs. Rock the Vote.” 2004
- A Walk in the Desert: Survival Strategies for the Long Emergency 2004
- “Getting Back to (Human) Nature: Articulating Natural and Cultural Identities in a Global World.” 2001
- “`Back to the World’: Reading Ecocriticism in a Postcolonial Context.” 1998