selected scholarly activity
- Understanding the implementation of evidence-informed policies and practices from a policy perspective: a critical interpretive synthesis. Implementation Science. 18. 2021
- Finding harmony within dissonance: Engaging patients, family/caregivers and service providers in research to fundamentally restructure relationships through integrative dynamics. Health Expectations. 147-160. 2021
- Designing in highly contentious areas: Perspectives on a way forward for mental healthcare transformation. Design Journal. 309-330. 2019
- Engaging Youth, Family Members, and Service Providers: Codesigned Prototypes for Improving Youth Mental Health Service Transitions in Ontario. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 37-37. 2018
- Experience Mapping the Transition From Child to Adult Mental Health Services: Perspectives of Youth, Family Members, and Service Providers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 34-35. 2018
- Canaries in the Coalmine: Quality and Safety in Child and Youth Mental Healthcare. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S12-S12. 2017
- Evaluating the Effectiveness and Social Return on Investment of the Pine River Institute: An Intensive Mental Health and Addiction Program for Young People. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S13-S13. 2017
- Gathering Experience Data for Health Systems Improvement Using Apps: Lessons from the Development of the Myexp Suite of Apps. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S25-S25. 2017
- Knowledge Mobilization and Mental Health Policy: Lessons from the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Mental Health of Emerging Adults. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S27-S27. 2017
- Policy and Program Barriers and Facilitator to Advancing Collaborative Family-Centered Care for Complex Child and Youth Mental Health Across Multiple Organizations. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S27-S28. 2017
- The Role of Patient Experience in Health Policy Making: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S26-S26. 2017
- Using Experiences to Improve Transitions from Youth to Adult Mental Health Services: Understanding the Perspectives and Values of Youth, Family Members and Service Providers for Improving Care Processes. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S25-S26. 2017
- Development of a Smartphone and Web App for Qualitative Data Collection: Key Considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2016
- An Analysis of Mental Health Program Funding for Child and Youth in the Canadian Yukon Territory. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S27-S27. 2015
- Competency Development to Meet Rural and Remote Mental Health Needs: A Case Study of Child and Youth Mental Health Policy in Yukon, Canada. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S29-S30. 2015
- Effectiveness of Health System Services and Programs for Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental Health Care: A Systematic Review of Academic Literature. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S12-S13. 2015
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness in Canada: Effect on service utilization, type of provider and medication use. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S30-S31. 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada: How do policy effects shape prospects for reform?. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S30-S30. 2007
journal articles
- "When you're in the office, it means you managed to get somewhere": An interpretive descriptive study of the perceptions of adolescents accessing primary care for mental health services.. Health Care Transit. 3:100093. 2025
- Coproduction in Social Prescribing Initiatives: Protocol for a Scoping Review.. JMIR Research Protocols. 13:e57062. 2024
- Adopting, implementing and assimilating coproduced health and social care innovations involving structurally vulnerable populations: findings from a longitudinal, multiple case study design in Canada, Scotland and Sweden. Health Research Policy and Systems. 22:42. 2024
- Advancing a collective vision for equity‐based cocreation through prototyping at an international forum. Health Expectations. 27:e14041. 2024
- Co-creating a new Charter for equitable and inclusive co-creation: insights from an international forum of academic and lived experience experts. BMJ Open. 14:e078950-e078950. 2024
- An examination of mental health policy implementation efforts and the intermediaries that support them in New Zealand, Canada and Sweden: a comparative case study.. Frontiers in Health Services. 4:1371207. 2024
- Economic Evaluation of Early Psychosis Interventions From A Canadian Perspective. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 67:768-777. 2022
- Understanding the Conceptualization and Operationalization of Trauma‐Informed Care Within and Across Systems: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Milbank Quarterly. 100:785-853. 2022
- Unpacking the potential of developmental evaluation in codesign work. Health Expectations. 25:1186-1189. 2022
- Creative processes in co-designing a co-design hub: towards system change in health and social services in collaboration with structurally vulnerable populations. Evidence & Policy. 18:291-310. 2022
- Designing as Negotiating Across Logic Multiplicity: The Case of Mental Healthcare Transformation Toward Co-design and Co-production. International Journal of Design. 16:35-54. 2022
- Recovery college features and context: advancing a recovery and well-being policy agenda. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. 26:23-33. 2022
- A COMPASS for Navigating Relationships in Co-Production Processes Involving Vulnerable Populations. International Journal of Public Administration. 44:790-802. 2021
- Special Issue- Engaging Vulnerable Populations in the Co-Production of Public Services. International Journal of Public Administration. 44:711-714. 2021
- What Factors Impact Implementation of Critical Incident Disclosure in Ontario Hospitals: A Multiple-Case Study. Healthcare Policy. 16:76-88. 2021
- Are you really doing ‘codesign’? Critical reflections when working with vulnerable populations. BMJ Open. 10:e038339-e038339. 2020
- Lost in transition or translation? Care philosophies and transitions between child and youth and adult mental health services: a systematic review. Journal of Mental Health. 28:379-388. 2019
- Call for Papers by IJPA for a Special Issue on Engaging Vulnerable Populations in the Co-Production of Public Services. International Journal of Public Administration. 42:706-706. 2019
- Codesigning health and other public services with vulnerable and disadvantaged populations: Insights from an international collaboration. Health Expectations. 22:284-297. 2019
- Integrating mental health peer support in clinical settings: Lessons from Canada and Norway. Healthcare Management Forum. 32:68-72. 2019
- Co-designing Services for Youth With Mental Health Issues: Novel Elicitation Approaches. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 18:160940691881624-160940691881624. 2019
- Co‐designing for quality: Creating a user‐driven tool to improve quality in youth mental health services. Health Expectations. 21:1013-1023. 2018
- Data Elicited Through Apps for Health Systems Improvement. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 17:160940691879843-160940691879843. 2018
- Introduction to Part 2 of the Second Special Issue. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 36:1-2. 2017
- The transition from youth to adult mental health services and the economic impact on youth and their families. Healthcare Management Forum. 30:283-288. 2017
- Introduction to the Second Special Issue. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 36:1-3. 2017
- Knowledge Mobilization and Mental Health Policy: Lessons from the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Mental Health of Emerging Adults. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 36:19-59. 2017
- Teasing apart “the tangled web” of influence of policy dialogues: lessons from a case study of dialogues about healthcare reform options for Canada. Implementation Science. 12:96. 2017
- Spotlight on Caroline Families First Wraparound Program: Lessons for Advancing Collaborative Family-Centred Care for Complex Child and Youth Mental Health. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 36:1-14. 2017
- Preventing Youth from Falling Through the Cracks Between Child/Adolescent and Adult Mental Health Services: A Systematic Review of Models of Care. Community Mental Health Journal. 53:375-382. 2017
- Impact of information and communication technology on interprofessional collaboration for chronic disease management: a systematic review. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 22:1355819617714292. 2017
- ‘Gearing Up’ to improve interprofessional collaboration in primary care: a systematic review and conceptual framework. BMC Primary Care. 17:83. 2016
- Applying experience-based co-design with vulnerable populations: Lessons from a systematic review of methods to involve patients, families and service providers in child and youth mental health service improvement. Patient Experience Journal. 3:117-129. 2016
- A scoping review of evaluated interventions addressing developmental transitions for youth with mental health disorders. Child: Care, Health and Development. 42:176-187. 2016
- Effectiveness of Health System Services and Programs for Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental Health Care: A Systematic Review of Academic Literature. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 43:259-269. 2016
- Do National Frameworks Help in Local Policy Development? Lessons from Yukon about the Evergreen Child and Youth Mental Health Framework. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 34:111-128. 2015
- No More “Us” and “Them”: Integrating Recovery and Well-Being into a Conceptual Model for Mental Health Policy. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 34:31-67. 2015
- Special Issue Mobilizing Canada's Mental Health Strategy Introduction. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 34:1-6. 2015
- Engaging civil society through deliberative dialogue to create the first Mental Health Strategy for Canada: Changing Directions, Changing Lives. Social Science and Medicine. 123:262-268. 2014
- Developing an Evaluation Framework for Consumer-Centred Collaborative Care of Depression Using Input from Stakeholders. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 58:160-168. 2013
- Commentary:Framing people as the problem: The effects of problem definition in ‘Brian’s Law’ on people with mental illness. McMaster University Medical Journal. 10. 2013
- Opportunities Abound to Improve Mental Health and Psychological Safety in the Workplace. Healthcare Papers. 11:85-90. 2011
- Recovery in the Canadian Context: Feedback on the Framework for Mental Health Strategy Development. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 28:7-15. 2009
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness: effect on medication and provider use. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 11:177-199. 2008
- Advancing Community-Based Collaborative Mental Health Care Through Interdisciplinary Family Health Teams in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 27:55-73. 2008
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada: how do policy legacies shape prospects for reform?. Health Economics, Policy and Law. 2:363-389. 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada: how do policy legacies shape prospects for reform?. Health Economics, Policy and Law. 2:363-389. 2007
- Finding the Right Mix: How Do Contextual Factors Affect Collaborative Mental Health Care in Ontario?. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 33:S49-S64. 2007
- Collaborative health care teams in Canada and the USA: Confronting the structural embeddedness of medical dominance. Health Sociology Review. 15:481-495. 2006
- Developing a Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions Framework for Yukon as a Foundation for Policy Reform: Engaging Stakeholders Through a Policy and Research Partnership. Health Reform Observer - Observatoire des Réformes de Santé. 4.
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness [electronic resource] 2007
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness [electronic resource] 2007
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness [electronic resource] 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada [electronic resource] 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada [electronic resource] 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada [electronic resource] 2007
- Co-production and policy in social prescribing initiatives: protocol for a scoping review (Preprint) 2024
- Adopting, implementing, and assimilating heath and social care innovations coproduced with structurally vulnerable populations: Findings from a longitudinal, multiple case study design in three countries 2023
- Understanding the implementation of evidence-informed policies and practices from a policy perspective: a critical interpretive synthesis 2021
- Understanding the implementation of evidence-informed policies and practices from a policy perspective: a critical interpretive synthesis 2020
- Understanding the implementation of evidence-informed policies and practices from a policy perspective: a critical interpretive synthesis 2020