selected scholarly activity
journal articles
- Segmental absence of intestinal musculature in a newborn: A case report. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. 110:102878. 2024
- Estrogen receptor-positive adenocarcinoma of the cervix presenting during pregnancy: Two case reports and review of the literature. Gynecologic Oncology Case Reports. 39:100916-100916. 2022
- Concurrent ductal carcinoma in-situ and malignant phyllodes with tp53 mutation in an 11-year-old. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. 75:102101-102101. 2021
- Renin secreting gastric glomangiosarcoma in a 16-year-old boy: A rare case report and literature review. Canadian Journal of Pathology. 12:66-77. 2020
- Twin pregnancy with metastatic complete molar pregnancy and coexisting live fetus. Radiology Case Reports. 15:195-200. 2020
- Atypical Spitz nevus versus Spitz melanoma: Is age a deceiving factor?. Journal of Case Reports and Images in Pathology. 6. 2020
- Report of four cases of incidental findings of liver heterotopia in placenta: Nomenclature determined by pathogenesis. Canadian Journal of Pathology. 11:33-41. 2019