selected scholarly activity
- A Population-Based Study of the Effects of a Regional Guideline for Completion Axillary Node Dissection on Axillary Surgery in Patients With Breast Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 164-164. 2016
- Breast Cancer Recurrence Following Radio-Guided Seed Localization and Standard Wire Localization of Nonpalpable Breast Cancers-5-Year Follow-Up From a Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 17-18. 2016
- Changes in Practice Patterns for Completion Axillary Node Dissection in a Population-based Breast Cancer Cohort before and after the Dissemination of ACOSOC Z11 Results. Annals of Surgical Oncology. S69-S69. 2015
- ACOSOG Z0011 Trial Results Led to Marked Changes in Surgical Treatment of the Axilla Among Patients With Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Study. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 17-18. 2014
- Increasing Utilization of Breast MRI: A Population Study. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 58-58. 2014
- A Cosmesis Outcome Sub-study in a Prospective, Randomized Trial Comparing Radioguided Seed Localization to Wire Localization for Nonpalpable, Invasive and in situ Breast Cancers. Annals of Surgical Oncology. S71-S72. 2014
- Systematic Review of Radio-Guided Surgery for Nonpalpable Breast Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology. S181-S181. 2010
- Primary tumor and patient characteristics in breast cancer as predictors of adjuvant chemotherapy regimen: A regression model. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009
- A prospective study evaluating 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in the assessment of axillary nodal spread in women undergoing sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) for breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 533-533. 2008
- Analysis of pathological and surgical factors affecting margin status after breast conserving surgery, comparing palpable and nonpalpable breast cancers. P Lovrics, S Cornacchi, H Liaconis, F Farrokhyar, S Franic, A Garnett, V Chen. Surgical Outcomes Research Centre, St Joseph's Healthcare, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON. Annals of Surgical Oncology. S64-S64. 2005
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer: Canadian Practice Patterns. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 255-260. 2003
- A prospective comparison of positron emission tomography scanning, sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary dissection in staging patients with early stage breast cancer.. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. S129-S129. 2002
- Feasibility and responsiveness of utility measurement in breast cancer patients: a prospective study.. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. S140-S140. 2002
- Laparoscopic and open incisional hernia repair: A comparison study. Surgery. 816-822. 1998
journal articles
- A prospective cohort study of chronic postsurgical pain after ambulatory surgeries. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 40:1187-1193. 2024
- Breast tissue analysis using a clinically compatible combined time‐resolved fluorescence and diffuse reflectance (TRF‐DR) system. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 55:769-783. 2023
- Multivariate analysis of breast tissue using optical parameters extracted from a combined time-resolved fluorescence and diffuse reflectance system for tumor margin detection. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 28:085001. 2023
- A framework for role allocation in education, research and leadership services in Canadian academic divisions of general surgery: a modified Delphi consensus. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 65:E73-E81. 2022
- The effect of bariatric surgery on breast cancer incidence and characteristics: A meta-analysis and systematic review. American Journal of Surgery. 222:715-722. 2021
- A population-based study of treatment patterns, 10-year recurrence and breast cancer-specific mortality in a cohort of elderly patients with breast cancer. American Journal of Surgery. 222:361-367. 2021
- Satisfactory analgesia with minimal emesis in day surgeries: a randomised controlled trial of morphine versus hydromorphone. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 122:e107-e113. 2019
- Relation between socioeconomic variables and surgical, systemic and radiation treatment in a cohort of patients with breast cancer in an urban Canadian centre. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 62:83-92. 2019
- Surgical Attitudes toward Preoperative Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer. Current Oncology. 26:194-201. 2019
- Adoption and outcomes of radioguided seed localization for non-palpable invasive and in-situ breast cancer at three academic tertiary care centers. American Journal of Surgery. 216:1160-1165. 2018
- Satisfactory Analgesia with Minimal Emesis in Day Surgeries (SAME DayS): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial of morphine versus hydromorphone. BMJ Open. 8:e022504-e022504. 2018
- Time‐resolved fluorescence (TRF) and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) for margin analysis in breast cancer. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 50:236-245. 2018
- Breast cancer recurrence following radioguided seed localization and standard wire localization of nonpalpable invasive and in situ breast cancers: 5-Year follow-up from a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Surgery. 213:798-804. 2017
- Predictors of 5-year local, regional, and distant recurrent events in a population-based cohort of breast cancer patients. American Journal of Surgery. 213:418-425. 2017
- Primary Breast Cancer Tumor and Patient Characteristics as Predictors of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy. Breast Journal. 23:40-48. 2017
- Association between mesothelin expression and survival outcomes in patients with triple-negative breast cancer: a protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews. 5:133. 2016
- A Population-Based Study of the Effects of a Regional Guideline for Completion Axillary Lymph Node Dissection on Axillary Surgery in Patients with Breast Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 23:3354-3364. 2016
- Effects of a regional guideline for completion axillary lymph node dissection in women with breast cancer to reduce variation in surgical practice: A qualitative study of physicians' views. Breast. 29:126-131. 2016
- Users’ guide to the surgical literature: how to assess an article about harm in surgery. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 59:351-357. 2016
- The Need for Consensus and Transparency in Assessing Population-Based Rates of Positive Circumferential Radial Margins in Rectal Cancer: Data from Consecutive Cases in a Large Region of Ontario, Canada. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 23:397-402. 2016
- A Retrospective Study Evaluating the Impact of Preoperative Breast MRI on Surgical Decision-Making in Young Patients (≤50 Years) with Invasive Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research. 10:BCBCR.S38432-BCBCR.S38432. 2016
- Gastrocolic Fistula: A Shortcut through the Gut. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2016:1-3. 2016
- Gastrocolic Fistula: A Shortcut through the Gut.. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2016:6379425. 2016
- Enablers and barriers to using patient decision aids in early stage breast cancer consultations: a qualitative study of surgeons’ views. Implementation Science. 9:174. 2014
- A cosmesis outcome substudy in a prospective, randomized trial comparing radioguided seed localization with standard wire localization for nonpalpable, invasive, and in situ breast carcinomas. American Journal of Surgery. 208:711-718. 2014
- Survey of American and Canadian General Surgeons' Perceptions of Margin Status and Practice Patterns for Breast Conserving Surgery. Breast Journal. 20:481-488. 2014
- Results of a Surgeon-Directed Quality Improvement Project on Breast Cancer Surgery Outcomes in South-Central Ontario. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 21:2181-2187. 2014
- The implementation of a surgeon-directed quality improvement strategy in breast cancer surgery. American Journal of Surgery. 208:50-57. 2014
- Myocardial Injury after Noncardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology. 120:564-578. 2014
- The differentiation of malignant and benign human breast tissue at surgical margins and biopsy using x-ray interaction data and Bayesian classification. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 95:210-213. 2014
- Physician‐related facilitators and barriers to patient involvement in treatment decision making in early stage breast cancer: perspectives of physicians and patients. Health Expectations. 16:373-384. 2013
- Quality Improvement in Colorectal Cancer in Local Health Integration Network 4 (LHIN 4) Project (QICC-L4): Integrated Knowledge Translation in a Large Geographic Region. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 20:4067-4072. 2013
- The use of X‐ray interaction data to differentiate malignant from normal breast tissue at surgical margins and biopsy analysis. X-Ray Spectrometry. 42:349-358. 2013
- An evaluation of intraoperative digital specimen mammography versus conventional specimen radiography for the excision of nonpalpable breast lesions. American Journal of Surgery. 205:703-710. 2013
- Women’s perceptions of their involvement in treatment decision making for early stage breast cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer. 21:1717-1723. 2013
- Practice patterns and perceptions of margin status for breast conserving surgery for breast carcinoma: National Survey of Canadian General Surgeons. Breast. 21:730-734. 2012
- A prospective study of tumor and technical factors associated with positive margins in breast-conservation therapy for nonpalpable malignancy. American Journal of Surgery. 204:263-268. 2012
- Local breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction for invasive cancer: A meta-analysis. Breast. 21:230-236. 2012
- understanding confidence intervals. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 55:207-211. 2012
- Prospective Study of 2-[18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in the Assessment of Regional Nodal Spread of Disease in Patients With Breast Cancer: An Ontario Clinical Oncology Group Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 30:1274-1279. 2012
- A Multicentered, Randomized, Controlled Trial Comparing Radioguided Seed Localization to Standard Wire Localization for Nonpalpable, Invasive and in situ Breast Carcinomas. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 18:3407-3414. 2011
- Primary tumor and patient characteristics in breast cancer as predictors of adjuvant therapy regimen: a regression model. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 68:661-668. 2011
- Systematic review of radioguided surgery for non-palpable breast cancer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 37:388-397. 2011
- Technical factors, surgeon case volume and positive margin rates after breast conservation surgery for early-stage breast cancer.. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 53:305-312. 2010
- The relationship between surgical factors and margin status after breast-conservation surgery for early stage breast cancer. American Journal of Surgery. 197:740-746. 2009
- Women's perceptions of their treatment decision-making about breast cancer treatment. Patient Education and Counseling. 73:431-436. 2008
- National Adoption of Sentinel Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer: Lessons Learned from the Canadian Experience. Breast Journal. 14:421-427. 2008
- Evidence-Based Surgery. Users' guide to the surgical literature: how to assess an article on health-related quality of life.. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 51:215-224. 2008
- Users' guide to the surgical literature: how to assess an article on health-related quality of life. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 51:215-224. 2008
- The feasibility and responsiveness of the health utilities index in patients with early-stage breast cancer: A prospective longitudinal study. Quality of Life Research. 17:333-345. 2008
- A prospective evaluation of positron emission tomography scanning, sentinel lymph node biopsy, and standard axillary dissection for axillary staging in patients with early stage breast cancer. Women's Oncology Review. 4:307-308. 2004
- A Prospective Evaluation of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning, Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy, and Standard Axillary Dissection for Axillary Staging in Patients with Early Stage Breast Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 11:846-853. 2004
- Soft-tissue images. Portal vein thrombosis and gas formation: unusual presentation of colon cancer.. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 44:90-91. 2001
- Euthanasia's never an answer.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 161:18-20. 1999