selected scholarly activity
- Providing On-Demand Feedback for Improved Learning of Logical Reasoning in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Advances in Soft Computing. 315-326. 2021
- Verified Multicore Parallelism Using Atomic Verifiable Operations. 133-178. 2018
- Haskell module tools for liberating type class design. 129-144. 2013
- Verified Multicore Parallelism Using Atomic Verifiable Operations. 107-151. 2013
- Synthesizing and Verifying Multicore Parallelism in Categories of Nested Code Graphs. 25-68. 2008
- Code Graph Transformations for Verifiable Generation of SIMD-Parallel Assembly Code. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 217-232. 2008
- A language feature to unbundle data at will (short paper). Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences. 14-19. 2019
- A Flexible Categorial Formalisation of Term Graphs as Directed Hypergraphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 103-118. 2019
- Finite Limits and Anti-unification in Substitution Categories. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 87-102. 2019
- CalcCheck: A Proof Checker for Teaching the “Logical Approach to Discrete Math”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 324-341. 2018
- Calculational Relation-Algebraic Proofs in the Teaching Tool CalcCheck. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 366-384. 2018
- A graph transformation approach to introducing aspects into software architectures. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 54-63. 2017
- Allegories and Collagories for Transformation of Graph Structures Considered as Coalgebras. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 193-208. 2017
- A Quest for Kleene Algebra in 2 Dimensions.. RAMiCS. 3-26. 2015
- Closure, Properties and Closure Properties of Multirelations.. RAMiCS. 67-83. 2015
- Completeness and Incompleteness in Nominal Kleene Algebra.. RAMiCS. 51-66. 2015
- Completeness via Canonicity for Distributive Substructural Logics: A Coalgebraic Perspective.. RAMiCS. 119-135. 2015
- Connections between Relation Algebras and Cylindric Algebras.. RAMiCS. 27-42. 2015
- Decomposition of Database Preferences on the Power Set of the Domain.. RAMiCS. 362-379. 2015
- Encoding and Decoding in Refinement Algebra.. RAMiCS. 209-224. 2015
- Generalised N-ary Relations and Allegories.. RAMiCS. 136-150. 2015
- Investigating and Computing Bipartitions with Algebraic Means.. RAMiCS. 257-274. 2015
- L-Fuzzy Databases in Arrow Categories.. RAMiCS. 295-311. 2015
- Mechanised Relation-Algebraic Order Theory in Ordered Categories without Meets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 151-168. 2015
- Metaphorisms in Programming.. RAMiCS. 171-190. 2015
- Relational Formalisations of Compositions and Liftings of Multirelations.. RAMiCS. 84-100. 2015
- Relational Mathematics for Relative Correctness.. RAMiCS. 191-208. 2015
- Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science 15th International Conference, RAMiCS 2015 Braga, Portugal, September 28-October 1, 2015 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. V-VI. 2015
- Relations among Matrices over a Semiring.. RAMiCS. 101-118. 2015
- Roughness by Residuals - Algebraic Description of Rough Sets and an Algorithm for Finding Core Relations.. RAMiCS. 380-394. 2015
- Solving a Tropical Optimization Problem via Matrix Sparsification.. RAMiCS. 326-343. 2015
- Text Categorization Using Hyper Rectangular Keyword Extraction: Application to News Articles Classification.. RAMiCS. 312-325. 2015
- Tool-Based Verification of a Relational Vertex Coloring Program.. RAMiCS. 275-292. 2015
- Towards Antichain Algebra.. RAMiCS. 344-361. 2015
- Towards Interactive Verification of Programmable Logic Controllers Using Modal Kleene Algebra and KIV.. RAMiCS. 241-256. 2015
- Towards a Probabilistic Interpretation of Game Logic.. RAMiCS. 43-47. 2015
- Type Checking by Domain Analysis in Ampersand.. RAMiCS. 225-240. 2015
- A Mechanised Abstract Formalisation of Concept Lattices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 242-260. 2014
- A Modified Completeness Theorem of KAT and Decidability of Term Reducibility.. RAMiCS. 83-100. 2014
- A Point-Free Relation-Algebraic Approach to General Topology.. RAMiCS. 226-241. 2014
- A Sufficient Condition for Liftable Adjunctions between Eilenberg-Moore Categories.. RAMiCS. 261-276. 2014
- Abstract Dynamic Frames.. RAMiCS. 157-172. 2014
- Algebras for Program Correctness in Isabelle/HOL.. RAMiCS. 49-64. 2014
- Automated Verification of Relational While-Programs.. RAMiCS. 173-190. 2014
- Categories of Coalgebras with Monadic Homomorphisms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 151-167. 2014
- Complete Solution of a Constrained Tropical Optimization Problem with Application to Location Analysis.. RAMiCS. 362-378. 2014
- Completeness Theorems for Bi-Kleene Algebras and Series-Parallel Rational Pomset Languages.. RAMiCS. 65-82. 2014
- Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Tests.. RAMiCS. 37-48. 2014
- Developments in Concurrent Kleene Algebra.. RAMiCS. 1-18. 2014
- Endowing Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Communication Actions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 19-36. 2014
- Extended Conscriptions Algebraically.. RAMiCS. 139-156. 2014
- Fixed-Point Theory in the Varieties $\mathcal{D}_{n}$.. RAMiCS. 446-462. 2014
- Fuzzifying Modal Algebra.. RAMiCS. 395-411. 2014
- Higher-Order Arrow Categories.. RAMiCS. 277-292. 2014
- Kleene Algebra with Converse.. RAMiCS. 101-118. 2014
- Nominal Sets over Algebraic Atoms.. RAMiCS. 429-445. 2014
- On Faults and Faulty Programs.. RAMiCS. 191-207. 2014
- Parameterised Bisimulations: Some Applications.. RAMiCS. 208-225. 2014
- Preparing Relational Algebra for "Just Good Enough" Hardware.. RAMiCS. 119-138. 2014
- Refinements of the RCC25 Composition Table.. RAMiCS. 379-394. 2014
- Relation Algebra and RelView Applied to Approval Voting.. RAMiCS. 309-326. 2014
- Relational Lattices.. RAMiCS. 327-343. 2014
- Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science - 14th International Conference, RAMiCS 2014, Marienstatt, Germany, April 28-May 1, 2014. Proceedings 2014
- Tableau Development for a Bi-intuitionistic Tense Logic.. RAMiCS. 412-428. 2014
- Towards Finding Maximal Subrelations with Desired Properties.. RAMiCS. 344-361. 2014
- Type-2 Fuzzy Controllers in Arrow Categories.. RAMiCS. 293-308. 2014
- An Algebra of Layered Complex Preferences.. RAMiCS. 294-309. 2012
- Automated Reasoning in Higher-Order Regular Algebra.. RAMiCS. 66-81. 2012
- Categories of Algebraic Contexts Equivalent to Idempotent Semirings and Domain Semirings.. RAMiCS. 195-206. 2012
- Continuous Relations and Richardson's Theorem.. RAMiCS. 310-325. 2012
- Deciding Regular Expressions (In-)Equivalence in Coq.. RAMiCS. 98-113. 2012
- Extension Properties of Boolean Contact Algebras.. RAMiCS. 342-356. 2012
- Foundations of Coloring Algebra with Consequences for Feature-Oriented Programming.. RAMiCS. 33-49. 2012
- Incremental Pseudo Rectangular Organization of Information Relative to a Domain.. RAMiCS. 264-277. 2012
- Left-Handed Completeness.. RAMiCS. 162-178. 2012
- Microcontroller Assembly Synthesis from Timed Automaton Task Specifications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 63-77. 2012
- On Completeness of Omega-Regular Algebras.. RAMiCS. 179-194. 2012
- Point Axioms in Dedekind Categories.. RAMiCS. 219-234. 2012
- Relation Algebras, Matrices, and Multi-valued Decision Diagrams.. RAMiCS. 248-263. 2012
- Relational Concepts in Social Choice.. RAMiCS. 278-293. 2012
- Relational Representation Theorem for Powerset Quantales.. RAMiCS. 207-218. 2012
- Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science - 13th International Conference, RAMiCS 2012, Cambridge, UK, September 17-20, 2012. Proceedings. RAMiCS. 2012
- Relations as Executable Specifications: Taming Partiality and Non-determinism Using Invariants.. RAMiCS. 146-161. 2012
- Relations on Hypergraphs.. RAMiCS. 326-341. 2012
- Simple Rectangle-Based Functional Programs for Computing Reflexive-Transitive Closures.. RAMiCS. 114-129. 2012
- Towards Certifiable Implementation of Graph Transformation via Relation Categories. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 82-97. 2012
- Towards an Algebra for Real-Time Programs.. RAMiCS. 50-65. 2012
- Transitive Separation Logic.. RAMiCS. 1-16. 2012
- Two Observations in Dioid Based Model Refinement.. RAMiCS. 235-247. 2012
- Unifying Lazy and Strict Computations.. RAMiCS. 17-32. 2012
- Using Relations to Develop a Haskell Program for Computing Maximum Bipartite Matchings.. RAMiCS. 130-145. 2012
- Dependently-Typed Formalisation of Relation-Algebraic Abstractions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 230-247. 2011
- The Teaching Tool CalcCheck A Proof-Checker for Gries and Schneider’s “Logical Approach to Discrete Math”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 216-230. 2011
- Amalgamating Pushout and Pullback Graph Transformation in Collagories. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 362-378. 2010
- Haskell module tools for liberating type class design. Trends in Functional Programming. 129-144. 2010
- Collagories for Relational Adhesive Rewriting. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 211-226. 2009
- Relational semigroupoids: Abstract relation-algebraic interfaces for finite relations between infinite types. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 60-89. 2008
- Code Graph Transformations for Verifiable Generation of SIMD-Parallel Assembly Code. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 217-232. 2008
- Determinisation of Relational Substitutions in Ordered Categories with Domain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 243-258. 2008
- FDA: Between Process and Product Evaluation. 2007 Joint Workshop on High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems and Medical Device Plug-and-Play Interoperability (HCMDSS-MDPnP 2007). 181-186. 2007
- MultiLoop. Proceedings of the 2007 conference of the center for advanced studies on Collaborative research - CASCON '07. 260-260. 2007
- Bimonadic Semantics for Basic Pattern Matching Calculi. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 253-273. 2006
- Control-Flow Semantics for Assembly-Level Data-Flow Graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 147-160. 2006
- Semigroupoid Interfaces for Relation-Algebraic Programming in Haskell. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 235-250. 2006
- Basic Pattern Matching Calculi: a Fresh View on Matching Failure. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 276-290. 2004
- Calculational Relation-Algebraic Proofs in Isabelle/Isar. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 178-190. 2004
- A Relation-Algebraic Approach to Graph Structure Transformation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1-14. 2002
- Parallel composition and decomposition of specifications. Information Sciences. 197-220. 2001
- Declarative term graph attribution for program generation. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 54-70. 2001
- Unsharp Demonic Products and Stratified Term Graphs.. RelMiCS. 165-174. 2000
- Relational matching for graphical calculi of relations. Information Sciences. 253-273. 1999
- Beyond pretty-printing: Galley concepts in document formatting combinators. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 76-90. 1999
- Explicit graphs and computer-aided notation. Semiotica. 143-154. 1999
- Internally Typed Second-Order Term Graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 149-163. 1998
- Algebraic graph derivations for graphical calculi. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 224-238. 1997
- Relational Matching for Graphical Calculi of Relations.. RelMiCS. 91-100. 1997
journal articles
- Calculational relation-algebraic proofs in the teaching tool. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. 117:100581-100581. 2020
- Semantics-Preserving DPO-Based Term Graph Rewriting. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 288:26-37. 2019
- Relational and algebraic methods in computer science. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. 85:447-448. 2016
- Relational and algebraic methods in computer science. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. 84:283-284. 2015
- A Simple Parallel Implementation of Interaction Nets in Haskell. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 179:33-47. 2015
- Graph transformation with symbolic attributes via monadic coalgebra homomorphisms. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 71. 2015
- Towards “mouldable code” via nested code graph transformation. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. 83:225-234. 2014
- IN MEMORIAM: SKIPPER POEHLMAN. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 42:349-350. 2014
- Modeling the Weaning of Intensive Care Unit Patients from Mechanical Ventilation: A Review. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 42:25-61. 2014
- Preface. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 127:149-149. 2014
- Collagories: Relation-algebraic reasoning for gluing constructions. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 80:297-338. 2011
- Dependently-Typed Formalisation of Typed Term Graphs. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 48:38-53. 2011
- Determinisation of relational substitutions in ordered categories with domain. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 79:812-829. 2010
- Co-tabulations, bicolimits and Van-Kampen squares in collagories. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 29. 2010
- An Optimized Cell BE Special Function Library Generated by Coconut. IEEE transactions on computers. 58:1126-1138. 2009
- A generic graph transformation, visualisation, and editing framework in Haskell. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 18. 2009
- Synthesizing and Verifying Multicore Parallelism in Categories of Nested Code Graphs. PROCESS ALGEBRA FOR PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING. 2:3-45. 2008
- Inequational Deduction as Term Graph Rewriting. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 72:31-44. 2007
- Explicitly Staged Software Pipelining 2006
- Preface. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 44:221-223. 2003
- Refinement and Development of Programs from Relational Specifications. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 44:51-93. 2003
- Relational treatment of term graphs with bound variables. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 6:259-303. 1998
- Preface. Vaccine. 13:S5-S5. 1995