publication venue for
- Projected changes in wind speed and its energy potential in China using a high‐resolution regional climate model. 23:471-485. 2020
- Numerical modeling of the hydraulic blade pitch actuator in a spar‐type floating wind turbine considering fault conditions and their effects on global dynamic responses. 23:370-390. 2020
- Active tugger line force control for single blade installation. 21:1344-1358. 2018
- Condition monitoring of spar‐type floating wind turbine drivetrain using statistical fault diagnosis. 21:575-589. 2018
- A comparative study on dynamic responses of spar‐type floating horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines. 20:305-323. 2017
- Development of a 5 MW reference gearbox for offshore wind turbines. 19:1089-1106. 2016
- Response analysis and comparison of a spar-type floating offshore wind turbine and an onshore wind turbine under blade pitch controller faults. 19:35-50. 2016
- Effects of floating sun gear in a wind turbine's planetary gearbox with geometrical imperfections. 18:2105-2120. 2015
- Long‐term contact fatigue analysis of a planetary bearing in a land‐based wind turbine drivetrain. 18:591-611. 2015
- Optimization‐based load reduction during rapid shutdown of multi‐megawatt wind turbine generators. 17:1055-1075. 2014
- Short‐term extreme response analysis of a jacket supporting an offshore wind turbine. 17:87-104. 2014
- Computational fluid dynamics simulation of the aerodynamics of a high solidity, small‐scale vertical axis wind turbine. 15:349-361. 2012