publication venue for
- A Calculus of Broadcasting Systems. 1991
- A Complete Proof System for Timed Observations. 1991
- A Fully Abstract Model for Concurrent Constraint Programming. 1991
- A Solved Form Algorithm for Ask and Tell Herbrand Constraints. 1991
- Algebraic Graph Rewriting Using a Single Pushout. 1991
- Comparative Semantics for a Real-Time Programming Language with Integration. 1991
- Compilation of Pattern Matching with Associative-Commutative Functions. 1991
- Domains in a Realizability Framework. 1991
- Full Abstraction for Series-Parallel Pomsets. 1991
- Introducing a Calculus of Trees. 1991
- Iteration Algebras (Extended Abstract). 1991
- Linear Bounded Automata and Rewrite Systems: Influence of Initial Configurations on Decision Properties. 1991
- Logic Programming as Hypergraph Rewriting. 1991
- Non-Strict Don't Care Algebras and Specifications. 1991
- Object-Based Concurrency: A Process Calculus Analysis. 1991
- On Causality Observed Incrementally, Finally. 1991
- On the Complexity of Equation Solving in Process Algebra. 1991
- On the Domain of Traces and Sequential Composition. 1991
- Program Specification and Data Refinement in Type Theory. 1991
- Simple Solutions for Approximate Tree Matching Problems. 1991
- Static Analysis of Linear Congruence Equalities among Variables of a Program. 1991
- TAPSOFT'91: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, Brighton, UK, April 8-12, 1991, Volume 1: Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP'91) 1991
- The Tree Inclusion Problem. 1991
- Type Inference with Inequalities. 1991
- Unifying Initial and Loose Semantics of Parameterized Specifications in an Arbitrary Institution. 1991